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Third Person Pov ~


"Wow.. I didn't know you could cook.." Aomine says staring at the meal on the table.

"Well now you know."

Aomine furrows his brows at the five star looking meal on the table.

"Can you teach me how to do this?" He looks at Kagami.

"Sure, I don't see why not. I just hope you like the taste and not just the looks of it."

Aomine takes a seat at the table pulling his chair up a bit before grabbing a fork. He looks up at Kagami and the red head nods as if saying he could go on ahead and start eating before him. With that, Aomine used his fork to pick up some food and stuff it in his mouth.

"What the actual fuck.."

"Is it good?" Kagami asks grinning a bit at the sparkles in Aomine's eyes as he tried his food for the first time.

"Could you cook for me everyday?" Aomine asks.

"Everyday is a bit of a stretch, but I don't mind cooking for you every once in a while." He smiles at the older.

"Your fucking awesome."

"Again with the compliments.."

"Complain all you want about it, but I'm not gonna stop because their all true."

Kagami sighs.

"Then I guess it can't be helped then." He smiles at the older. "Thank you, Daiki."

Kagami sat down also beginning to eat with the bluenette.


Friday had went by and now it was Saturday night when Kagami would head out to go drink with his co workers, Aka his friends. He got ready pulling on the outfit he had prepared for tonight.

 He got ready pulling on the outfit he had prepared for tonight

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"Hey Taiga, you got any- Oh shit.." Aomine says walking into the room. He stared a Kagami in his outfit.

"How do I look?" Kagami asked facing the older.

"Like a fucking snack.." He said. If were being real here, he really wasn't processing anything right now. He had just seen Kagami in his outfit and his mind went blank.

"Where're you going dressed like that?" He asked approaching the younger.

"I'm going to grab a few drinks with my friends. Why?"

"Nothing, it's just.. You look really good right now so it caught me off guard."

Kagami laughed a bit.

"That's what I was going for, I don't always wanna look professional. Or.. Is this too professional?.."

"No no it's perfect." He said grabbing Kagami's waist and pulling him close.

Strangers with Benefits ~ Aomine x KagamiWhere stories live. Discover now