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If Aomine and Kagami had met when they were in their teenage years ;

Third Person Pov ~


"C'mon Kagami! let's go on a date!" Hayuri yelled out pulling the red headed boy behind her.

He lazily walked behind her scrolling on his phone, he didn't want anything to do with the brunette.

"Do we have to? I already told you I'm not interested.."

"Yes we have to! Your parents let you out cause your going with me! They want us to be together so let's make them proud."

Kagami only rolls his eyes at that comment. He continued to let her pull him around. I mean, it's not like he could get away from her anyway, their parents knew each other and they won't allow Kagami to ever say that he doesn't wanna be around or see Hayuri again.

They'd just think it's him going through a phase, but it's been that way ever since they were little. He's never liked her and never will, matter of fact, he doesn't even like girls. But his parents don't know that..

"Ow!" They come to an abrupt stop as Hayuri falls to the floor.

Kagami ignores her and looks up to who she had run into.

"Ah, were sorry, we didn't hurt you right?" A light blue haired male asked in a monotone voice.

Kagami glances at the navy blue haired boy. He was really handsome.. He had tanned skin, deep blue eyes, he was tall as well, maybe a bit taller than Kagami.

"Hey, what's your name?" Kagami asks the tanned male as Hayuri and the monotoned voice boy spoke. He kept apologizing for bumping into her but she wasn't having it.

"Aomine Daiki, what's yours?" The bluenette asked back.

"Kagami Taiga."

At that moment, they were both thinking "He's cute/Handsome"

"I've never seen you around here." Kagami says. "Are you new perhaps?"

"Yeah, I am actually.. Well I got here a few months ago."

They couldn't keep their eyes off of each other, it was as if they were mesmerized.

"Uh, uhm.. Do you mind if I get your number? We could hang out some time and get to know each other for a little bit." Kagami stuttered.

"Sure, I don't mind making a new friend." Aomine smiled a bit.

Kagami would of never imagined himself making the first move on someone, especially not on someone this good looking. But, it was either ask for his number or don't ask and risk not seeing him ever again.

After exchanging phone numbers, Kagami smiled at Aomine.

"Thanks, I'll text you." He said.

"Mmm, I'll consider responding back." Aomine teased the younger evoking a chuckle out of him.

"C'mon Kagami.." Hayuri huffs grabbing Kagami's wrist again and pulling him away after basically yelling her ass off at that sky blue haired boy.

"See ya!" Kagami calls out to Aomine.

"Bye." Aomine said watching as they left.

"Who was that?" Kuroko asked looking up at his 'crush'. (Aomine was never really Kuroko's crush, again, he used the older male to abuse his power as a cop).

"Oh, it was some boy. He said his name was Kagami Taiga."

"Aghh.. I didn't think that girl would be so mad about me accidentally bumping into her." Kuroko pouts a bit.

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