In India

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Pragya's pov

I never thought I will go back to India. It's not like I am afraid or something. That hurt I felt with them took some time to heal. I am grateful that Arjun is with me always. He was there with me through thick and thin.

Thinking of Arjun, I look at my side to see my handsome and adorable husband sleeping. He looks so cute. I really love this man.

I was little hurt when I knows that I liked Mr. Mehra. It was like I am cheating on Arjun. But I am happy knowing that I love Arjun and liked Mr. Mehra. It's different.

Now going back I have to face them. I think this time i am ready. Ready to face them and if they mess with me, they will face hell.

We landed in India after few hours. I woke my babies and my husband and others too. We all reached our mansion which is built by me for them. We all fell asleep because of the tiredness.


Disha's pov

Purab: Do we really need be here?

Here he goes. It's for the nth time he is asking this. Sunny is beside me and he is giggling. We are in plane to India.

When I told him that we have to go to India he freaked out. I know why. It's because of that bitch Alia. He is afraid that Alia will hurt me and seperate us. He will face her is anything happens but the fear never fades.

Me: Purab we really need to. It's Abhishek's son birthday party. And besides...

Purab: besides...

He and Sunny look at me confused. How to say this to them? What if...its just a hunch and we may never meet her.

Me: There is....this...hunch that Pragya di will be there.


They both said together. Woo

Purab: sure?

Me: Hey...calm down. It's just a hunch. We can hope to meet her. But please don't hope high.

Purab nodded, wiping his tears. Shit i shouldn't have said that. I gently took his hand and wiped his tears. He smiles kissing my forehead.

Besides us Sunny growls. He never used to the PDA we shows. It's irritates him and it's fun to tease him.

We landed in India. Well I am little worried as I have to meet that Alia again. But I am not that Disha who cries because of her. If she messes with me or what's mine, She will surely see hell.


Abhishek is pacing up and down. He is nervous. Well why not? This time there are different partners from different country to attend Zain's birthday. He is nervous as well as excited.

Abhi: Raj bhai please look at all the arrangements. I need it to be perfect.

Raj: I got it Abhi, geez. Don't panic.

Raj is irritated. Abhi is nervous and this is making him do a lot of work. Raj hates working. This work is for servants not him.

Abhi is checking the list of guests when Tanu come to him. She held his arms and cling into him.

Tanu: Baby will it look good on me.

Abhi glance at her. She is wearing a gown but it is too revealing.

Abhi: Wear it if you want. But don't show your slutty attitude to the guest. They are high reputed and have their own family. Especially Khurrana's. They are known for their possessiveness. And...please for god's sake don't cling into me.

Abhi yanks his hands out of Tanu's grip. Tanu felt humiliated but she can't do anything. This is how their relationship is for the past 8 years. She is bearing this for Zain. If Abhi kicked her out, then Zain will become homeless.


Rishab opens his door when he heard the doorbell. He makes a face when he sees Arjun infront of him. Even after two years they still bicker like kids.


Preeta's loud sound startles them. Rishab put his hands on his chest. Preeta tightly hugs Arjun. She missed him. She felt tearing up. Arjun higs back patting her head.

Arjun: Aww Pree don't cry

Preeta: i just missed you

Arjun chuckles as Preeta sniffs and rub her eyes. Preeta look so cute.

It's cute about them. Preeta actually never meet him in real. And still their bond is quite unique.

Rishab: Pree baby, next time don't yell like this okey. You may give me a heart attack.

Preeta hits his chest pouting.

Preeta: Where is di?

She said looking at the door.

Pragya: I am here

Pragya came with a lots of bags and give to Preeta. Preeta took the bags and squeal. It's baby dresses.

Preeta: Diii thank you

Preeta jumped and hugged her. Rishab felt his heart jumping out. Arjun and Pragya widen their eyes.

Pragya: Preeta don't jump like this.

Preeta: sorry

She mumbled still in her di's warm embrace. Rishab give a side hug to Arjun and Pragya. They all get inside.

Pragya: Where is Kavi and others.

Rishab: they are with Heer's family.

They nodded. Preeta took Pragya to the upcoming babies room.

Arjun: Preeta become hyperactive.

Rishab: it's just...her first pregnancy was... you know

Arjun hummed. They all know it. It was a disaster. Rishab especially. He sees how much she suffered that time.

Rishab: She is trying to enjoy as much she can. Besides, it's a healthy pregnancy.

Arjun nodded patting his back.

Rishab: you tell me, i heard about Abhishek's son's birthday. Is Pragya okey.

Arjun: i think so. She never openly tells me. But i can feel it.

Rishab: Is the kids okey?

Arjun: yaa. They knows something is wrong with their mom.

Rishab: i think it's okey to tell them, before someone else does.

Arjun: hm. Let me just ask Pragya before

Rishab: sure

They sat in comfortable silence.

Rishab: He didn't change much

Arjun: Abhishek?

Rishab: hmm. He is still the same. High ego, attitude, and money minded.

Arjun: He called you?

Rishab: Yup. What will be their reaction of meeting Pragya?

Arjun: oh that will be fun. I especially planned a great entry.

Arjun smirks and it's not a good sign.


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