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Pragya gets down her car after a tiring day. She is tired like hell from all those works.

A firm hand slide to her waist. She isn't startled because she knows only one can have the right and dare to do it. Pragya smile at him. Arjun smiles back.


Is all that Pragya can think.

Arjun: You tired biwi?

Pragya nods leaning into him as they walk to their home.

Arjun: Biwi

Pragya: hmm

Arjun: I need to tell you something.

Hearing him saying so seriously made her tiredness go away in a instent.

Pragya: What is it?

Arjun: Huh

Arjun hesitated. But he knows that he have to tell her sooner or later.

Arjun:I got a invitation from Mehra's. It's their son's birthday.

Pragya: Ooh

Son's, really. Well she can't blame him. There was nothing between them anyway. But still those words hurted her because she liked him.

Arjun sighs before pulling her closer. They move forward touching their forehead together.

Arjun: You know i can cancel it right?

Pragya: No... Go.

Arjun: Why

Pragya: Our babies also got one. He is their classmate. So you should really go

Arjun: hmm... you can come too. It's for Mr and Mrs Khurrana.

Pragya: I....i am not ready to face them now Ju...

Arjun nodded,not wanted to push this further.

Arjun: If you forgot, we were fighting and we were supposed to go on a date.

Pragya got a sudden realisation that she pushed him gently before putting a sulky face and walking away. Arjun laughs following her.

He then sneakily stole a kiss. Pragya goes numb.

Arjun: Be ready biwi, we are going on a date.

Arjun winks and walks away. Pragya bit her lips and blushes.

Pragya: He still makes me blush.


Rashi: You look beautiful

Rashi tells her daughter in law, who is busy getting ready for the date. Rashi chuckles when Pragya stumbles finding a earring. She can feel Pragya is super excited. Nd why not, they haven't gone on a date for ages.

Pragya: Thanks mom, but do i have to get ready like this. I really look like i overdressed.

Ishani: Oh Babs it's perfect. Bhai will be drooling if he sees you.

Pragya shook her head. She checked in the mirror. She is wearing a read dress which have slit at her right leg. Her neck is adorned with a beautiful necklace. And earrings, rings and a simple watch. Overall she look breath taking.

Rashi: And besides, do not care what people will say or think. You have to, but not to a extent that it controls your life.

Pragya nodded smiling at her.

Pragya: So shall i go?

Ishani: Wait wait, bhai has to get ready too.


Here, it is really chaos. Arjun still is finding a dress to wear. Raj with the triplets are standing face palming themselves.

Raj: For god's sake, Aru, please wear anything.

Arjun: no no. I have to look best.

Ira: But Papa you look good on anything.

Arjun: Huh that's true still.

Raj rolls his eyes. There is only one solution now.

Raj: Oh Karan beta, please help my idiot son to wear something for his date.

Arjun turns around at his father's comment. He frowns but is too happy that, there is someone to help him now.

Arjun took the phone from Raj and keep it near his ear.

Arjun: Buddy, helpppp

Karan: Jesus crist Arjun, it's just a Date not your wedding.

Arjun: You don't know how much my wife like it when i wear something nice.

Arjun mumbles. Karan shook his head and smiles.

Karan: Fine fine don't whine. I will help.

Arjun: Hehe thanks

Karan: Okey tell me what you have.

Karan is actually a fashion designer. He knows how to make a perfect dress my randomly choosing them. He knows how to style nd make them admirable. It's like he is born with that talent.

Arjun: Woo it's cool

Karan: I know

He said sassily

Arjun: So gotta go bye

Karan: Heyy

Arjun cut the call.


Arjun's jaw actually dropped on the floor seeing his wife beautiful descending the stairs. Pragya's breath hitch, her Arjun is so dangerously handsome in that tuxedo. She is sure it's the work of Karan.

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Arjun: You look beautiful and pretty

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Arjun: You look beautiful and pretty.

Pragya: You look handsome too

Pragya took Arjun's hand. Arjun pulls her closer, sniffing in her neck.

Arjun: you smells nice

Pragya smiles, controlling herself as a moan is threatening to escape.

Pragya: Arjun, we...should goo

Arjun: hmm

Arjun smiles. They walk towards the car hand in hand.


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