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Jisoo went on her usual meetings,until she's finally done.She finished everything by 11 am so she walked back to her office,she opened the door to see Jennie and Hyunsuk there,Hyunsuk asleep on the couch while Jennie was sitting next to him.

"You got here early."Jisoo said,kissing Hyunsuk on the cheek."My prince is asleep."

"He played a lot with my secretary earlier that's why he is exhausted.I don't have much meetings and works today,Chahee took over."Jennie explained.Jisoo nodded as she sat next to them.

"Jennie,mind having a dinner with Chaeyoung and Junkyu?I mean,Junkyu likes Hyunsuk around.But if it's not okay,it's fine alright?"Jisoo said.

"No,it's totally fine.Junkyu is adorable anyways."The office door opened,Mr.Kim entered.

"Oh Hyunsuk is asleep."Mr.Kim said as he walked towards them.

"Do you have any business?Why are you here?"Jisoo asked.

"Uhm here's the files the directors have signed."

"Thank you."Jisoo got it from his hand,putting it on the table."I'll be leaving early today,maybe around 4 pm.So Hyunsuk have more time to play with Junkyu."Jisoo said.

"Okay but..when am I gonna meet him?My other grandson."Mr.Kim asked.

"Never."Jisoo said with spite,not wanting Junkyu anywhere near her father,as she knows how much spite he had with Chaeyoung.

"Look,if you're thinking I'm gonna hurt him whatsoever I won't,okay?He is my grandson I just want to see him."Jisoo scoffed.

"How ironic,isn't it?You want to see him?Fuck you."Jisoo said.

"Jisoo.."Jennie tried to stop Jisoo.

"No.He is the reason of all of this.Junkyu's broken family,you begging for my love?Everything's fucked up because of him!You could have..loved someone else who could love you as you deserve.That you don't have to bare with me.The selfish,the useless wife.Just like what your parents thought of me,right?"Jisoo said,all her anger pouring over.

"Jisoo no—"

"I..I'm sorry Jen but I could have been there for Junkyu as he grows up.Hyunsuk wouldn't have to bare with the words her grandparents were throwing over to me.Do you know that at some days he told me that he's sad for me because his grandparents did not blabber anything good about me but all they said is spite?No one would have suffered because of your selfishness!"Jisoo was on the verge of tears because of anger.She hates him with all her heart and soul.Jennie gave Mr.Kim a look of pity,but Mr.Kim just gave her a nod.

Maybe it's really too late for me to change.My daughter hates me already.

"I fucking hate you.From the very first time I understood you up to now.You did nothing but ruin me.I'm fucked up because of you.My life's fucked up because of you everything is your fault!"Jisoo shouted in anger."Have you ever asked me,for once on what would I love?On what would I like?No!You planned my whole life ahead of me,raised me with your tough hands that I almost forgot how to give love to other people because you never give me an ounce of your love!I'm nothing but a puppet to you.Why?!"Jisoo questioned him.All her life,she never felt a single ounce of her father's love because all he gave her were trauma and anger.

"Jisoo I'm sorry.."

"It's too late for that."Hyunsuk opens his eyes,looking at the people.

"Hi dada!"He immediately jumped in Jisoo's arms."Dada crying?"He said as he tried to wipe away the tears on Jisoo's eyes.Jisoo tried her best to smile.

"This is nothing baby."

"Hi granpa!"Hyunsuk greeted Mr.Kim and Jisoo looked away.

"H-Hi Suk."He kissed him on the forehead."I'm gonna go now,okay?"He said as he left the family.Jisoo wiped her tears away,carrying Hyunsuk to sit on her lap.

"Do you want to see hyung,baby?"

"Yes!Hyunsuk see hyung!"Jisoo smiled.

"Okay,you'll see hyung."Her phone rang,so she took it out of her pocket.

"Wait,Jen."She took Hyunsuk out of her lap then she stood up,answering the call.

"Hello Kai!"She answered,trying to sound cheerful as possible and Kai didn't even notice from her voice that she just got from an intense scene.

"Hey Ji.How are you doing?"

"Perfectly fine!Why did you call?Are you coming home?"

"Oh easy."Kai chuckled."You know I hate the old man.But I promise I'll try to come back.I wanna see Hyunsuk too."

"Did you gave him any cousins yet?"

"Nope!Not yet."Jisoo chuckled.

"Go find someone to make one with."

"Yeah right."Kai laughed."Anyways it's not the reason why I called right now."

"Then what is it?"

"Have you heard it?Taehyung got out already."

WRECKED HEARTS[THE SEDUCTRESS BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now