Untitled Part 12

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Hey guys I'm back

this is just a filler chapter, what comes after you may need to sit down.

Finn doesn't expect to see Jeremy at his door the next morning, having finally extracted himself from Rebeka's grasp.

"I have no doubt you heard, last night."
"Doesn't matter." Finn says, staring out the window. He has no right to call this boy his brother. He was never their brother, not really.

"Finn, you understand I have been watching over our family since I died. And our ancestors let me in on a few secrets like mothers Rumpelstiltskin deal with our aunt. None of it was your fault, you most know that."
Fin says nothing, doesn't even move. The day their aunt had dragged Freya kicking and screaming from their home was the last he was ever allowed to talk about her. It was like she ceased to exist to everyone but him.

Realizing he wasn't getting through Jeremy plays his trump card.

"She's still alive."

Finn spins around to face him. "You jest."

"Dahlia, she created this shitty immortality spell you sleep for 100 years live for one."

"Why wouldn't she try to escape."

"She can't, they are linked, Dahlia will always find her."

"We need to,"

"Tell the others."

"I though you didn't want anyone knowing."

Jeremy laughs, it's a little late for that. Now Kol knows it'll only be a matter of time before the whole of New Orleans knows. He's in so much danger right now, he'd have been better off staying in Mystic falls. A human from the original vampire line. If he wasn't dead before the end of the week, he'd be lucky.

"What else do you know."

"Too much, father is desiccating in a tomb thanks to Bennet witches. And our mother is scheming from the other side but what else is new."

Finn knows what he really wants to ask, Freya is she awake, when will she wake, can they find her. Jeremy smiles even now he can still read them all so well.

"Based on when she was last awake, six or seven years, I think."

"That's good. That's very good." He says nodding his head. Looking down at his hands to hide the smile. "Where are the others." He asks to change the subject, in order to save Freya, he will need Kol's help. Not something he wanted to ask for, but Beggers couldn't be choosey.

"Rebeka wanted to make me breakfast, Kol vetoed that because even after one thousand years our dear sister still cannot cook so they went out to get some breakfast. Will you be joining us."

"I think I will." Finn smiles following Jeremy out of the room.

"You want to ask Kol about Freya, don't you?"

Finn sighs, "Yes, but I doubt he will be willing to help me."

"I'll ask him, he's never denied me anything, doubt that will start now." Jeremy laughs.

Finn can hear them walking up the path, Kol is moaning about Rebeka taking too long to pick things out. She just hushes him, nothing can dull her mood today, she has her baby brother back, the child she basically raised, her baby, he's here and alive, it's enough to make her cry, happy tears. Her family is complete again.

She swings open the door shouting for Jeremy, he calls her into the kitchen.

She and Kol are startled to see Finn, Kol opens his mouth to comment but is quickly silence by an elbow to the ribs, Rebeka will not have him upsetting Henrik.

"Staying for breakfast, brother."

"If you don't mind."

"Of course, not the more the merrier." Henrik had been back five minutes and already he was reunited their family. She couldn't wait for Nik and Elijah to get back. She was practically buzzing with excitement as she unpacked breakfast.

"I didn't know what you liked so I got a little of everything. Figured we could just lay it out like a picnic."

"Sounds great Bex." Jeremy smiles. "Now Kol. We." He motions between himself and Finn, "Need your help with something. Our older sister Freya is still alive."

That makes Rebeka pause, she shares a look with Kol they know next to nothing about their eldest sibling. How could they she had basically been erased.

"Not possible." Kol says picking up a beignet.

"Long story that I will tell when the others get back but basically our mother did a Rumpelstiltskin deal with our aunt, her first born to be about to have children. They sleep for 100 years live for one."

"And I'm supposed to be able to fix that."

"No, your going to help me unlink our sister from our crazy aunt so we can hide her."

"I can do that." He says with a shrug taking a bite out of the pastry. "But I will need more details and maybe a grimoire or two."

"Done." Finn says, "Whatever you need."

Kol raises an eyebrow he hadn't expected that from him.

And thats a wrap

What do you guys think. let me know


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