chapter 4

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so next chapter, I have given up with a posting schedule because I cannot stick to them, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up on my stories, I'm just really busy lately, I'm getting promoted at work and it's taking a lot of my time, but I haven't forgotten about you guys promise.

without further ado on with the story.

"Jenna where are we going?" Jeremy asks, leaning against the car, Katerina bouncing from one foot to the other next to him completely agitated.

Ignoring his question she asks her own, "Will you be coming with us Katerina?". Wide eyed she looks between the two, for the first time since she was human, she is unsure of herself. Seeing that she isn't going to reply Jenna continues, "We won't tell, if you run.".

She looks at them, searching. No words escape her as she slips into the back of the car silently.

Jeremy and Jenna share triumphant looks as they join her in the car.

"Jenna where are we going?" She shrugs, they have been driving for hours with no real direction in mind. None of this was planned, she has no idea, she starts to laugh, hysteria taking over, she was finishing her thesis yesterday now she is, now she has no idea.

She pulls up on the side of the road trying to calm herself.

"I have a place, it's not far, in Boston."

Jeremy spins around, "You're helping us."

"I owe you; I don't like owing people. And anyway I like you little gilbert."

Seeing her breathing evening out Jeremy claps a hand on her shoulder, "You ok now Aunt Jenna."

She lets out a laugh "No, not really." she shakes her head "So Boston, where abouts in Boston, cause no offence Kitty, you have been on the run for years." she grins at her put out expression. "I have an idea, who has Klaus's number."

At the no's she is stunned, how can no one have his number, "I have Maddox's."

Katerina laughs for the first time since she encountered the Mikaelsons in mystic falls,

"Of course you do, you have it bad for that warlock."

Jeremy shrugs "He's cute."

At Jenna's laughs Katerina points out her not-so-subtle flirtation with Klaus.

"Back to the problem at hand, we need accommodation, I'm a vampire I can compel us something, just find somewhere you like."
"No, no compulsion." Jenna shudders. "It just doesn't feel right.

"Got it." Jeremy says interrupting their conversation. Jeremy rattles off the number as Jenna dials it into her phone, waiting with bated breath.

"Who is this." The angry voice on the other end makes Jenna laugh as she eases back into traffic.

"You know Niklaus when I woman tells you to call her, it means call her. It been over three hours, have you forgotten about me already?" She is laughing at him, and he knows it.

"Never love but isn't it the humans of this era that say you have to wait a few days before calling, don't want to seem too desperate."

Jeremy gags, Katerina rolls her eyes they share a smirk at the conversation. "Those Nik are the men that never get laid."

"Jenna!" Jeremy and Katerina are scandalised not expecting such words from her. Nik laughs talking to this woman is so refreshing, he could do it forever.

"Do you need something Love or is this just a checking in call?"

"Bit off both, I don't have a place big enough for the three of us, also be careful."

"I'm a thousand years old love I got this." He pauses you can hear him breathing over the line. "Love, what is your favourite place in America?"

"New Orleans, I mean the culture the food, the people what is not to love."

She can hear his smile down the phone as he gives her an address, "It's the old Plantation house so it is plenty big enough for the three of you."

"Thank you, Nik."

"NIK WAIT." She shouts down the line. "Call me, call me when the spell is complete."
"Nik this isn't about Elena she going to die I know and accept that, it's you, your all alone in there and completely out numbered. You know what I'm coming back I refuse to let you fight alone thousand years old or not. "
"Katerina compel her if you must but do not let her come back to mystic falls. Jenna, stop it love I will call you the morning after the spell."
"The morning after no you."
"Jenna," Jeremy interrupts calmly, "You need to move the car." Wide eyes she realises that she has stopped dead in the middle of the highway car horn are beeping all around her, it is a miracle they weren't hit. She eases of the road onto the hard shoulder with shaking hands.

"Jenna, Love, when the spell works, I will transform into a wolf for the first time, I can't exactly call you with paws." He lets out a little chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

"You will call though?" she is so worried Nik can hear it in every word she speaks and can't understand why someone would care for him so much.

"Yes, just like you will when you get to New Orleans."

"Promise." She lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
Nik lets out a suffering sigh, " I have to go safe travels love. Talk soon, Oh, and by the time you get there the house should be in order I have my people sorting it out while you drive."

At the dial tone, Katerina lets out a breath, "Ok Jenna I'm going to drive," Seeing her about to protest she continues fast. "You just nearly caused a major accident and I know where the house is, it makes more sense.". Grumbling Jenna swaps seats with Katerina and they begin the journey to New Orleans.

"We are definitely stopping for beignets before we get to the house." she sulks from the back of the car.

Ta da It's a little short but I didn't want to get to the destination too soon.

Also if you can't tell I have no idea where I'm going with this every other story has a well-thought-out plan, pages of research, and ironically this is the most liked weird.

hope your still enjoying it tell me what you think, also is there anything you want to see happen in this story.


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