Untitled Part 9

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The next chapter sorry it took so long guys,

I haven't given up I've just been working on some original stuff. I even wrote 5 poems today.

Hope you enjoy this chapter

It didn't take long for all hell to break loose. They had been back in New Orleans, less than an hour. When Rebeka and Katerina started to argue. In the end Elijah had to usher the latter towards the door for her own safety. Unfortunately, on the other side of the door. Was Marcel Gerard with two Lackies.

Chaos. One word Chaos. Finn and Kol finally waking up, joining them at the same time defiantly did not help.

So, chaos. The house was in chaos. Jeremy had to watch as his broken family, shouted, screamed or in Kol's case physically assault one another until Jenna had Katerina escort him for the house.

She didn't take him too far just to the orchid, not wanting the witches in New Orleans to find out about him, no need to put him any more danger than he's already in.

Jenna was livid. This family was a mess. She can now understand why Jeremy didn't want them to know they could barely be civil to one another. And this unknown vampire that had just Waltz in was not making things any better, he had reduced Rebeka to tears. If Nik weren't fighting with Kol, he would have ripped his head off. Elijah is trying to pull Kol from Nik but is fighting a losing battle as Finn keeps getting in the way.

With a sigh Jenna walks over to an expensive looking vase and throws it at the wall. "So do I have your attention now, or do I have to throw something else." At the stunned silence she continues. "If your name isn't Mikelson get out."

"Now listen here this is my city." Marcel snaps at the human woman.
"Might be your city but for now this is my house. So, get the fuck out. She points to the door, she holds up a hand as he starts to argue.

"If you would like to come over another day and pick a fight; book an appointment with my friend Kitty, there." She points to Katerina in the doorway. Her and Jeremy having return. Katerina must have heard her.

Katerina ushers the vampires out the door as Jeremy crosses the room to perch on the arm of the couch near his aunt. Nodding to Kol and Finn; greeting them by name.

Kol is across the room in a second with his hand around Jeremy's throat. Jenna shrieks, moving to try and get between them, vampire be damned with is her nephew. Nik and Elijah get there first.

"Brother, he is an old soul." Elijah tries to make his impulsive brother see reason.

Kol shakes him off. He knows old souls, he's met many over the years, never in all his years has one greeted him by name.

Kol bites his tongue he will get to the bottom of it another time. He can't do anything with his brothers breathing down his neck, but there was something about this boy.

"Everybody needs to sit down." Jenna stresses the words, too her surprise Kol sits. Finn chooses to lean in the doorway, it's better than nothing she supposes. "We need to make a plan. That does not include sticking daggers into people. Niklaus." Jenna stresses his name with a glare.

Kol snickers, he was amused to see this little human back chat his brother so brazenly.


"Nope. NO Elijah. I'm talking, you lot are listening." Jenna might be the only human in the room, Jeremy's old soul status Non standing, but she's done dealing with this.

"I'm just gonna." Jer, whispers, clutching his throat, look just like the lost little boy he used to be. His eyes flickering between each of his lost siblings so close yet so far away.

"No Jer, you stay, you, Kat, Rebecca, Kol and Finn, will stay here. You and Kat will help the others assimilate to this century."

"How long exactly have I been in that box." Finn snaps pushing up off the wall.

"Jer, will explain everything tomorrow. There are blood bags in the fridge. Yes bags. Do not eat the humans in the house or town. Then bed all of you."

"We are older than you." Kol points out, amused by this human woman who thinks she can tell them what to do.
"Kol do as your told, for once. All will be explained brother." Kol doesn't argue, he wants to know who this kid is. And he won't find out if he leaves now.

"Everybody to bed. Elijah, Nik you too." Nik looks around startled by Jenna's words. Last time someone tried to send him to bed he had been human.
"We need to leave now." Nik argues, he wants to fix this problem sooner rather than later.

"Well, this human needs sleep, so you can wait." She says standing, stretching her arms above her head.
"You don't need to come." Nik continues to argue.

"You two," Jenna points between Elijah and Klaus. "Need to be supervised." She shushes their interruptions. "Last time you were alone together one of you were daggered. So, no, you cannot go alone you need adult supervision."

"We have been adults for years." Elijah scoffs at her words.

"Well when was the last time any of you acted like an adult." She asks, hands on hips.

Finn laughs standing he asks Jeremy where he can find the kitchen and his room. Not wanting to spend any more time with his family than necessary.

Jeremy jumps at the chance to escape the room motioning for Rebeka who had been silently watching the exchange to follow him.

hope you guys enjoyed this

let me know what you think

apologises for any mistakes it is nearly 3am I just wanted to get this published



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