Untitled Part 10

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Finished the day after the last chapter.

I'm so proud of me

Hope you guys enjoy it.

Addition note - I have recently received a hateful comment about a character being a fag - this was a hateful comment made by an anonymous user. It has since been deleted but it will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with my stories containing characters that are not heterosexual then put on your big boy pants and fuck off somewhere else.

Jenna had come in and told him she was leaving 4 hours ago; Jeremy had been counting the hours ever since. He didn't want to run into Kol today, his throat a molten shade of blue, ached something terrible. Katerina offered him some blood last night. He was regretting not taking it this morning.

He didn't know how long his older brothers and aunt would be away, but he was dreading it.

Out of all his sibling he was always closest with Kol, but he can see that his brother has lost himself since the loss of his magic. Still if any of them were to recognise him it would be Kol. That's if he doesn't kill him first.

Realising he can't stay in bed all day, Jeremy reluctantly pulls himself up, he quietly walks down the stairs hoping he won't run into anyone on the way to the kitchen.

He can hear Rebeka and Katerina in the sitting room, he pops his head in to say hello. Kat has both of their phones out, teaching Rebeka how to use it. They are still trading barbs, but they seem calmer somehow. He doesn't know what Elijah said to his sister, but he must have said something, since she is being so well behaved.

He asks both women do they want a drink before he flees to the kitchen. The world must have turned against him, because there leaning on the counter in front of the coffee machine was Kol. Mug of blood in hand.

If Jeremy didn't know any better, he would say it was a coincidence, he may be leaning casually against the side, acting like he's just getting a drink. But Jeremy does know better. He's been stood in here waiting him out. Kol may be impulsive but when he has something on his mind, he is relentless. Jeremy can see it in the grip of his cup and the way his eyes follow him across the room.

With coffee out of the question Jeremy walks to the fridge pulling out an apple and bottle of water.

"Where is Finn?"

Kol raises an eyebrow taking another sip of his drink. With a deep sigh Jeremy walks to the door. Holding it open he gestures Kol to follow him as he starts across the grounds. Walking further and further until he is certain that no-one in the house will be able to hear them speak. This will either be a good or terrible idea. He just hopes he's doing the right thing.

Jeremy stops, leaning against the nearest tree taking a large bite of the apple, he doesn't need to look around to know Kol is there silently waiting for his next move.

"You seem so sure I'm not an old soul."

"No, even with my magic lost to me I can sense you are a powerful old soul. My only question is who you were? Old souls don't know everything, only specifics from their own lifelines. You're not the first I've met."

"I should have known you would see straight through me."

"I am being very calm boy. I won't be for much longer." Kol explains quietly crushing his cup in his palm. Brushing away pieces of porcelain.

"You wouldn't believe me If I told you." Jeremy whispers looking down at the apple in his hands.

Kol drags Jeremy to his feet slamming him into the tree, "You test my patience boy, I've already told you I believe you are an old soul, somehow connected to my family. All I want is a name."

"Henrik." Jeremy whispers his old name eyes down cast not willing to see the disbelief on Kol's face, Kol drops him as if burnt, taking several steps back, staring at this boy in shock. No human knew that name, not even vampires knew that name. Not since his death one thousand years ago.

Staying where he was dropped on the floor, Jeremy continues. Refusing to look up and see what his wayward brother is thinking. If he is about to die, he best make these last words count. Try and show his brother he is telling the truth.

"You remember when we were younger and you took the blame for me destroying Rebeka's offering to the gods, you said it was because it was ugly and would offend them."

Kol sinks to his knees, no-one but him and Henrik knew of that day, and it was more than a good thing that out of all the male children Kol was a favourite of Mikeal's getting away with making Rebeka cry.

"Your, you. I. No. But. How. Henrik."

"So, articulate for the smartest of our siblings." Jeremy laughs because Kol believes him. He can see it in his eyes. He has one of his brothers back. Finally.

In a second, he is being yanked into Kol's arms, his big brother engulfing him in a hug, his brother had never been one for hugs preferring to keep people at a distance. But here he is overwhelmed but emotions. Tears prickling his eyes.

"I have one thing to ask of you Kol."

Kol pulls away to sit across from his brother. "Anything. But first drink." He says biting his wrist holding it out for Jeremy.

"I don't need."

"Please." Kol whispers the word, eyes on the marks he had left the day before on Jeremy's neck.

"Please stop blaming Nik."

"I never blamed Nik it was an accident. I blamed mother, if she hadn't had an affair none of this would have ever happened."

"You mean Nik would never have been born. He's still our brother Kol."

"Then why haven't you told him who you are. Nik basically raised you; he was more your father than Mikeal."
"Our brother has become lost. When I first saw him all that hate and anger, Kol I wanted to weep, he is no longer the boy who rocked me to sleep as a child."

Kol nods along with Jeremy's words. He understands what his baby brother is saying, he had watched Nik grow colder over the years, becoming more and more paranoid as the years go by. "It was the hunters curse; it warped his mind. He was never the same after that, even after it lifted."

Kol stands abruptly, holding out a hand for Jeremy, "Never mind any of that, you're an old soul. We are together again brother. We have so much to catch up on."

"I know everything up until I was reborn 16 years ago. I've been watching you." Kol cringes at the revelation. He has not been a good man since the loss of his magic, there were days when he was barely a man.

"It was one of the reasons I wasn't going to search you out. Any of you." He adds that last bit, when he sees his brother about to interrupt. "We have all changed so much, 1000 years is a long-time brother. If not for my adopted sister being the doppelganger, we would have probably never saw one another again."

"Brother, lets walk and talk." Kol says as he leads Jeremy out of the compound. "There are so many wonders you should see in New Orleans."

So what did you think

Kol finally knows.

I'm dreading his shenanigans I already know he is up to no good.


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