Ryan POV.

"Your press conference in New York tomorrow is going to be the official kick start for the fight,"
My father said looking at me.

I said picking at my dinner, we had a new chef this week and her food was delicious but not compared to Luna's cooking.

"Are you okay Ryan?"
"You seem a little off these past couple of days,
its like you are out off it."
"How's the anxiety?"
"Your therapist said you were going great the past few weeks and then she saw a turn in your behavior this week."

"I need to get a new therapist then."
"Just like my new chef."
I said pushing away my food.
I said looking at Joe.

"The new chef is temporary,
"Aluna needed sometime for herself,"
"being back home isn't easy for her."
Joe said.

"And you didn't make things easier for her by yelling at her for defending her parents and don't get me started on you shutting her down for commenting on your coaching when she was just trying to help."
I said.

"Ryan enough, you Joe and I had already discussed that and we have corrected everything and moved on."
My father said looking at me.

"All I'm saying Joe is you are really hard on her,"she basically have no other family,"
"she basically left her job and fiancé to be my private chef because you asked her."
"She is getting married in a month, do you know she hasn't even picked out a dress or venue for her wedding and it's basically two weeks after the fight."
"She dropped everything to be here."
I said.

"Aluna less interested in planning her wedding is not because off me."
"She has been engaged for almost two years,"
"I know my niece and she is having trouble committing to her engagement for a while now and to be honest her spending time with you haven't made things easier for her."
"Im old but I'm not stupid Ryan,"
"do you really think I believe your lack off interest in training this past week was because off our miscommunication?"
"I don't know what is going on between you two but I insist that it stop,"
"she is engaged and you have an important match coming up."
Joe said looking at me.

"Probably Aluna doesn't want to get married because deep down she knows her fiancé is not the one for her."
I said folding my arms looking at Joe.

"Well then I should send her back to Paris so she can decide that on her own because she spending time with you is clouding her judgment."
"Just like she is clouding yours."
Joe said pissing me the hell off.
I got up storming out off the house walking towards the beach.

I sat in the sand taking a deep breath running my fingers trough my hair in frustration,
Joe was right this past week Luna wasn't here was distracting for me, all I could think about was her.
My blood began to boil just thinking about Joe sending her back to Paris so she can plan her wedding with her no good fiancé.
I got up walking towards the water getting in
I need to cool off.
I took a deep breath walking in slowly as the ocean waves hit against my chest.
The water was cold but not as bad as the ice baths I have been taking after my training.
Suddenly I was taking out off my thoughts by the sound of the water splashing behind me and a hand grabbing the back off my t-shirt.
I turned around coming face to face with Luna.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"What are you doing?"
She said looking at me with a scared look on her face.

"I wanted to cool off, I had a bad week,"
"Why are you in the water?"
I said looking at her confused.

"I don't know,"
"I was watching you from upstairs and you just randomly walked into the water like a crazy person."
She said taping me on my chest with a pissed look on her face.

"Why did you leave without saying anything to me?"
I said making a look off confusion come upon her face.

"I don't know."
She said shaking her head looking down at the water.

"I'm sorry for leaving without saying anything,
I needed a little break from Joe."

"You and I both."
I said taking a deep breath.

"What's wrong, is their trouble between you two because off me?"
She said looking worried.

"No it not because off you, you bringing up the faults between Joe and I actually helped me,"
"It have been something that have been bothering me for my last two matches."
"We talked and he is willing to give me some space."

"So what is the problem then?"
she asked looking at me confused.

"Don't worry about that?"
I said looking at her smiling as she tiptoed trying to stay above to water.

"So how was your mini vacation?"
I ask placing his hands both side off her waist lifting her off the water a little.

"It's was relaxing."
She said automatically wrapping her arms around his neck supporting herself.

"So I heard you cheated on me,"
She said making me look at her frowning my eyebrows.

"I heard you got a new chef,"
She said making me laugh.

"Oh yes and her cooking is a hundred percent better than yours."
I said teasing her.

"I said teasing her

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