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Here I'll put the relationships of different people, what course the different people go in and other things. This story will also follow Shelby more closely. And if it doesn't say anything specific on anyone just take it as they're normal classmates.

Friends: Lizzie, Joel via Lizzie, Gem, Jimmy, False, False
Enemies: Joey
Neutral: Sausage, Fwhip, Oli, Scott
Crush: Katherine
Family: siblings with Pix

Friends: Lizzie, Gem, Katherine, Oli, Scott, Jimmy, Joel
Enemies: frenemies with Joey
Neutral: Shelby, False, Pix
Crush: half-crush on Fwhip, but is oblivious to it and that Fwhip likes him
Family: none

Friends: Sausage, Shelby, Gem, Katherine, Fwhip, False, Oli, trying to befriend Pix, Scott, Jimmy
Enemies: Joey
Neutral: none
Crush: together with Joel
Family: none

Friends: Shelby via Lizzie, Gem via Lizzie, Fwhip, Sausage, Oli via Lizzie
Enemies: Joey, Jimmy, Scott via Jimmy
Neutral: False, Pix
Crush: together with Lizzie
Family: Katherine, they're siblings

Friends: none
Enemies: frenemies with Sausage, mortal enemies with Shelby, Lizzie, Joel, Fwhip, False, Oli, Pix, Scott, Jimmy
Neutral: Gem
Crush: Katherine
Family: none

Friends: Sausage, Shelby, Lizzie, Joel via Lizzie, Katherine, Oli, Scott, Jimmy
Enemies: none
Neutral: Joey, False, Pix
Crush: none
Family: cousins with Fwhip

Friends: Sausage, Lizzie, Joey, Gem, Fwhip
Neutral: False, Pix
Crush: Shelby, but she hasn't realized yet
Family: Joel, they're siblings

Friends: Lizzie, Joel, Katherine, Oli
Enemies: Joey
Neutral: Shelby, Jimmy, Scott through Jimmy
Crush: Sausage
Family: cousins with Gem

Friends: Shelby, Pix
Enemies: Joey
Neutral: Sausage, Joel, Gem, Katherine, Scott, Jimmy
Crush: none
Family: siblings with Oli

Friends: Sausage, Shelby, Lizzie, Joel via Lizzie, Gem, Scott, Jimmy
Enemies: Joey
Crush: dating Pix
Family: siblings with False

Friends: Lizzie is his ish-friend, she's trying to befriend him, False
Enemies: Joey
Neutral: Sausage, Joel, Gem, Katherine, Scott, Jimmy
Crush: dating Oli
Family: siblings with Shelby

Friends: Sausage, Lizzie, Gem, Oli
Enemies: Joel via Jimmy, Joey
Neutral: Shelby, False, Pix
Crush: secretly together with Jimmy
Family: none

Friends: Sausage, Shelby, Lizzie, Gem, Oli
Enemies: Joel, Joey
Neutral: False, Pix
Crush: secretly together with Scott
Family: none

School course
Lizzie: fashion
Katherine: fashion
Scott: fashion
Fwhip: engineering
False: engineering
Sausage: security
Jimmy: security
Oli: music
Pix: archeology
Gem: farming
Joel: building
Joey: marine
Shelby: magic

Boy dorms
B01: Joel, Sausage, Fwhip and Joey
B02: Pix, Oli, Scott and Jimmy

Girl dorms
G01: Shelby, Katherine, Gem, False and Lizzie

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