Chapter 10

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The next day nandini went to manik's house to prepare for her mathematics exam.The whole day manik taught her with determination but nandini being nandini would lose her concentration and try to distract him as well but he was hell bent in making her study ignoring all her acts.Nandini even thought that it would have been better if she studied at home ..she knew it would have been a little hectic to study alone but then at least she could have timely breaks to listen music or have some fun or may be play a game or two on her phone but here she was stuck with this philomath person.She sometimes wonder how he gets so engrossed while teaching that he forgets everything else around seems teaching is his one and only passion..maybe that's why he was in this field.But anyways nandini wasn't use to it..yes she was a bright student but she never study continuously for this long she rather prefer taking short breaks or power naps to keep her working.Come on man everyone have their own ways to study!! But who will make this person understand that.. huff!

After what felt like an eternity to nandini the person sitting beside her decided to take a 'break'. Yesss finally god knocked some sense in his brain to have a break. It was in the evening when he finally decided to do this great gesture to nandini as he was done with the teaching part and the only thing left for nandini was to solve a sample paper. Nandini was hell exhausted till now when he said

Manik: So that's it ..i guess we take a break now..

Nandini: oh so u have this word in your dictionary..i thought u didn't knew what a 'break' is..

Nandini said with sarcasm dripping in her tone while air quoting the word break.
Manik was taken aback by her reply and thought maybe he has really pushed her limits and said

Manik: Come on kiddo u can't be mean to me okay..i helped you yrr..the least u could say is a polite thanks u know

Nandini: No sorry no thank you it was your rule. Remember?Now can i use my break before it gets over because i really need some fresh air..

Nandini sounded pissed off and went towards the balcony to have some fresh air .
Manik sighed seeing her moving towards the balcony and decided to follow her . Nandini stood by the railing with her eyes closed feeling the cool breeze that striked her cheeks.Manik came and stood beside her staring her . Nandini slowly opened her eyes and took a short glance of him and then again turned her face straight.

Manik: feeling better?

Nandini just nodded in response to which manik again asked

Manik: Need some coffee?

Seeing her not responding he sighed and turned her towards him by holding her elbows and said

Manik: Acha okay i won't do that again pakka i will take care next time..but u know right this is how i am ..i forget everything when it comes to teaching or learning something..i really exhausted you today haina? But believe me you will rock the exam with this exhaustion.. that's my promise..

Nandini went all awe at his honest confession and a giggle left her mouth on listening his last line..

Nandini: well i don't doubt that either

Nandini replied with a small smile playing on her lips which manik reciprocated with a wide one before speaking..

Manik : so no more gussa??

Nandini chuckled at his cute question and replied

Nandini: i never was ..its just that i was a bit irritated and not to forget tired too..

Manik: so lets get away with your about a video game ?

Nandini 's eye shone brightly at the mention of the video game and said excitedly

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