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Inspo@ khabkluen
Entirely fictional
Has nothing to do with early Thai monarchy!!!

*Early 1950's

This is our son headmaster. Kiet?! Hello headmaster. How are you child. I'm fine. Good good. ......

This is boring, why must I attended school? I'm good the way I am. Pftt. They just have to show they have too much money to throw away don't they?
"My son went to a university"

Since school is to resume tomorrow we will take our leave headmaster.
Yes, yes

Send the other family in. Of course headmaster

Then, we won't take your time anymore. Thank you headmaster

Finally we're leaving. God I can't stand it anym.. *oof* what in God's na..

I'm sorry I didn't see you there. Are you okay?
Umm yes I'm fine. It's okay.
Alright then
Who was that kid? Hmmm

Yes Dad
We're leaving
I know

I hope to meet you again. Somehow,this school has become a lot more interesting

Kiet are you okay? You've been quiet since you got back from the University
I'm fine mom. I'm just nervous about starting tomorrow.
That's okay son there's nothing to be nervous about. You're smart and handsome. I'm sure you'll fit in fine. Right dear?
Of course. He has my looks so he will definitely be popular just like I was back in my day.

Good night Dad, Mom. I don't want to be late for school tomorrow
Rest well then dear
I will

Ohhhh God's! Why do I keep thinking about that kid? He's cute but....
Arrrhh why do I have such inappropriate thoughts? He's a man like I am. Or is he a girl acting like a boy? That's possible. I'll just have to find out for myself tomorrow then. I hope I get to see *her again

Hey! Kiet?
I'm Itt.... We met the other day?
Oh. Right
Which lecture do you have now ?
Ohhh sorry. I'll see you later then
Weird. Why's he so enthusiastic?

Good thing I made it in time. I was almost late to lecture on my first day.

Good afternoon students
Good afternoon Professor
I'll be lecturing you on civil law
As you all should know, " Civil law is a branch of law that regulates the non- criminal rights of persons and equal legal relations between private individuals."
Who can tell me what they understand by that?

"This is telling us that civil law deals with disputes between individuals, entities and organizations."
Heyy! It's *her. I can't believe we're studying the same course.
She must be from a very rich family though to be able to go to school. And if she's keeping her identity a secret I can't risk exposing her. I have to be patient.

Okay everyone you'll be put in groups of two. You have to do a project on the disadvantages and advantages of civil law as opposed to criminal law. You have the whole week to work on it. You will present it in front of the whole class next week.

On the first day of school? I don't think I like this professor. Who gives projects this early. Who even does that?

You will paired based on how you registered.

Ohm and Nanon
Bright and Win
Force and Book
Neo and Mark
Kiet and Niran

Niran? Who's that?

Fort and Pete
Chikamon and Noeul...

Well that's just precious. And who in God's name is called Niran?


Ohh shi... It's *her
This professor actually isn't that bad
And Niran, It's such a classic name. I mean who wouldn't love it?

You're my partner for the project. Yes I am.
Okay then *stares*
Is there something on my face?
No.. it's just you look familiar
Ohhh. You bumped into me yesterday. At the headmasters office.
Oh right! I'm sorry about that though
It's alright. No hard feelings

We will have to communicate alot during this week. What is your telephone number?
It's Chiang*******

Okay then I'll see you tomorrow.


How did your day go?
It went well Dad
May I leave?
Can't you see I'm still taking to you boy?
I have a project Dad
It's your dream to have an elite child.
I don't mind being illiterate
You see this is the mentality I want to drive out of you
Then let me study
What thirty-something year old man still lives with his parents?
They are alot of good children who live with their parents for all their lives
I don't know why I have such a rebellious child .

Apologize to your father

Excuse me.

You see! You have spoilt him way too much

Who is it now?
Hello am I speaking with Kiet?
It's *her!!
This is Niran

I just checked and realized I don't have any lectures till Friday so we'll have to work on the project during the weekend.
But you're free
Yes. But you're not
I checked your lecture schedule
Yes so we'll see on Friday
Alright then
Now I have to wait till Friday to see *her? This is pure torture.

Day 1 ~
Day 2 ~
day 3 ~

It's finally Friday. It was so boring without*her

Oh hi Kiet
Classes start soon
Yes let's be fast

It's the last day of the week
And let me remind you all not to forget your projects. I won't listen to any excuses. Have a good weekend

What are we going to do about our project
I'm hungry. Why don't we go have some Mee-Krob and talk about it
Sounds good.

Umm so how about we divide the project?
I do the advantages and you'll do the disadvantages?
Sounds good.
But we'll have to go very early to school to talk about it before the presentation.
Yes that's compulsory
Thenn.. I'll see you on Monday with your complete part of the project?
Yes ma'am
I mean sir
Pheww that was close
See you next week my beauty

‼️This is not historically accurate ‼️
⚠️I'm not a historian. This is purely fictional⚠️

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