40- Make Me Express

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"Hi, I'm Macy and I'll be your server today, can I start you off with some drinks?", Everybody said what they wanted and she walked away.

It was awkward ,I wasn't gonna lie. I don't ever recall Taylor mentioning a twin brother, or anything of his past, he brushed it off and continued on his way.

"What is everybody getting?". Aspen asked.

"Crawfish, and snow grab". Dawson answered.

"Same". Taylor answered.

"Shrimp pasta" Aspen answered

"I want.. crawfish with rice, loster pasta, and mashed potatoes". Tyler said setting the menu down. The lady came back and we placed out order.

"I brought you all gifts,I did they're in my bag. I can't wait to share". Tyler said, eating a roll.

"You're such a fatass". Taylor said. Tyler gave him an ugly look "Says the one who had  pasta on the way here. Made that nice young man drive across downtown just to get you some". Tyler said, looking at Dawson.

"That's what friends do". Taylor said, rolling his eyes.It was quiet for the next few minutes until the lady came with our food. "Heres the plan, our parents don't know you're here so you have to hide for awhile. Your wheelchair, can fit in my closet, your clothes will be in Bryans closet. I'll bring your breakfast to you. Their room is downstairs so they won't really hear anything, so yeah..". Taylor said, quickly digging into his food.

  "Let me know if you need anything else, and here are some refills, dessert is two for five tonight". The waitress said, walking away.

"What are you doing, we have the same meal". Dawson said, looking at Taylors fork on his plate, Taylor shrugged, and continued eating off Dawson's plate. "You know what. I actually have to go". Dawson said, grabbing his coat "Peace Bryan, Aspen,Tyler". Dawson said , leaving the table.

  Aspen set his fork down and looked around the table awkwardly. "Taylor, you can't just keep dragging Dawson along for the ride, you're leading him on". He said, wiping his mouth. Taylor glared "What are you talking about? We're friends,okay, it's my business anyways". Taylor responded.

       This is not how dinner was supposed to go. A pissed off brother I could handle, but a pissed off boyfriend and brother. Nope.  "It is pretty late, I'm gonna get a to go box and I'm ready to get home". Aspen said, rubbing his face. "Alright".

We boxed our food, paid  and headed outside. "I hope Tyler doesn't think this is how it is all the time". Aspen whispered ,getting in the passenger seat. "We'll help change his mind if he does". I said, setting Tyler's wheel chair in the trunk. I got in the car and started it, heading back home.

         I pulled into the driveway and Taylor quickly got out "I need to borrow the car". He said. I rolled my eyes and handed him the key. He have Tyler a hug and got in the front seat waiting for us all to get out, before backing out the driveway again.

   "See you tomorrow?". I said. Aspen nodded and I wrapped my arms around him. "Gotta get the prom duties out the way". I said.

"Same". Aspen whispered pulling away. "What do you mean?". Aspen backed away and held a finger to his lips, getting in his car "See you around Bryan". He said, he blew me a kiss and backed out my driveway.


        "Let me in and I can explain!". I said, Dawson opened the door and glared "Stop yelling my mother is in here asleep."  He growled, tugging me in the house. "Well sorry, if you didn't have an attitude I wouldn't have to". I said fixing my sweater.

"What do you want?". He asked.

"Why are you being so mean?". I asked.

Dawson ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm done. I am not gonna keep trying to make you happy, keep trying to make something that isn't gonna happen, happen. I'm so busy working on making you happy. That i'm not even happy, You're not my boyfriend, and that's what I have to realize". Dawson stated calmly. "I..".

Dawson shook his head, "No, I'll be okay, I'm not forcing you into anything, do your own thing, and i'll do mine". He said, All I could process was him leaving me, I didn't want that.

"You can't leave me". I blurted, what the hell was going on? All I did was eat off his plate.

"There's nothing to leave, we had nothing". He said. He let out a deep breath "I have stuff to get done tomorrow, I need sleep, i'll see you around Taylor". Dawson said, I sniffled and gave him a dirty look. "I hate you". I said, walking out the front door, "You've made that clear numerous times". Dawson said, closing the door behind him.

I slammed my head on the stirring wheel, and let out a muffled scream.

This is bullshit.


What are your thoughts on Taylor and Dawson?

Gigglez out!!

Make Me Beg!     (BoyxBoy, Dom/Sub)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant