Order Up

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"Noo touch my chicken!" Yells Jungkook at Jin, who is trying to eat off his plate. "You order good. I want!" Jin and Jungkook start fork fighting. "You always so anyonying Jin." Suga says with a sigh. The maitre-d steps in. "Gentlemen, may I ask what you'd like for the main course?"

RM speaks up. "Yes, thank you, sir. I would like the salmon salad." The maitre-d writes it down. "And you, sir?"

V raises his head up to answer. "I'm V." Everyone at the table laughs a bit. "Yes, sir, ahem. What would you like to eat?"  V laughs and pretends he understands. "Umm, I like good food, please." The maitre-d writes it down. "Excellent choice, sir. And you, my good man?"

Jungkook looks at him with big, soulful eyes. "More chicken strips!" V laughs. "He's eating America food!" The rest of BTS giggles and snickers. "Yes, yes, more chicken, very good, very good." The maitre-d says, trying to hurry himself through this. "Mr Hope. Your usual?"

J-hope grins and nods. "Yes, you bastard hurry up." The maitre-d is unphased by this. "Very good. Excellent, some may say." He walks over to Jimin. "What might you have, my friend?"

Jimin smiles an embarrassed smile. "I don't know." He covers his mouth with his napkin. "Maybe a sweet tea." The maitre-d writes it down. "Of course, sir." He walks to suga. "And your order, my good man?"

Suga shrugs. "A steak, maybe." The maitre-d asks. "Medium, rare, or well done?" Suga looks into his eyes. "No, I want a steak." The maitre-d looks upset. "Of course, sir, how silly of me." He walks to Jin. "What'll it be, champ?"

Jin looks mischievous. "I want cookies. Like jungkookie! Hahahaha!" Jin makes himself laugh. "Cookies are a great delicacy."

Finally, he makes it to YN. "Now, what the hell do you want?" He angrily asks. "I'd just like the chicken soup." YN says calmly. The maitre-d writes it down. "Not known for your good taste, huh? Well, I'll get it for you anyway." He walks away and into the kitchen. "So what will we do while we wait?" YN asks BTS. "We can play never have I ever?" RM suggests. "That is good choice." Jungkook says. "Then let's get started." RM smiles.


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