The Junkyard Fight

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(Ep 6 - The Spy)                                                                                                                                  Saturday, November 3, 1984                                                                                                          Caytlinn's POV

Dustin had explained everything about Dart. How he had changed sizes, and eaten Mews, Dustin's cat. How Dart had destroyed Dustin's turtle tank. How he had taken Dart from school when we found Will in the field. He had lied to the whole group including me.

"Wait a sec. How big?" Steve asked, breaking the silence.

"First it was like that," Dustin explained, showing his index finger and thumb a couple of inches apart. "Now he's like this."

Dustin held his arms out as far as they could go in the back seat. I groaned and slammed my head into the headrest.

"I swear to shit, man if it's just some little lizard..."

"It's not a lizard!" I snapped at Steve, looking at him.

"How do you know?"

"Because I held that slimily little bastard,"

"How do you know if it's not?" Dustin asked.

"How do you know it's not just a lizard?" Steve pressed.

"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat!"

"Mews?" I muttered.

"Yeah. It ate Mews,"

Steve made a weird face and then accepted it. He sighed, and I hit him on the leg. He looked at me and kept driving.

Steve pulled into Dustin's driveway and parked. He got out and we headed to the trunk. He opened the trunk. He tossed the keys to me and grabbed the bat. I grabbed my backpack, and Steve slammed the trunk shut. I grabbed my flashlight and walked with them. Dustin led us to the cellar, and I handed the light to Steve.

I was about to step towards the cellar when Dustin pulled me back. We stood a few feet away from the cellar while Steve just stood above it.

"I don't hear shit," Steve stated.

"He's in there," Dustin snapped back.

Steve poked the bat at the doors, before swinging the bat with full force at the doors. It made a loud clang, and Steve stepped back. He turned around and pointed the flashlight into our faces.

"All right. Listen, kid. I swear if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead,"

"Steve. It's not. Dart is some little shit, and if Dustin says he's got trapped in there. Then Dustin has Dart trapped in there," I snapped.

"Seriously Cay?" Steve sarcastically asked, probably mad that I was siding with Dustin on this one.

"Yes. Now get that out of my face!"

"You got a key for this thing?" Steve asked, giving in.

Dustin pulled a key out, and Steve unlocked the lock. He swung the doors open, and I shined the light inside.

"Let me see that,"

Steve snatched the light out of my hand and pointed it into the cellar. He stood there for a few seconds, and we watched Steve.

"He must be further down there," Dustin commented. "We'll stay up here in case he tries to escape,"

Steve slowly turned his head towards us, before looking back in. He sighed really loudly, and I kicked his leg. He stood up and slowly headed down the stairs.

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