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(Ep 1 - MADMAX)
Monday, October 29, 1984                                                                                                            Caytlinn's POV

"Cay! Cay! What's your haul?" Will asked over the radio. "We need to know! Mike hardly has anything! And Lucas, surprisingly has a bunch,"

"I'll meet you guys there. I'll get my haul," I whispered into the radio.

I turned it off and kept on digging through Steve's drawers. He would have money I could 'borrow' for the arcade. I found a small box and opened it. It was filled with a bunch of coins and other random shit. I grabbed as many as I could fit in my shorts' pocket.

"Hey!" Steve shouted as the door flung open.

I turned around and hid the box from him. I tried putting on an innocent face, but I think he saw right through it. He had his hands on his hips, and his eyebrows raised.



"What are you doing in my room?" he asked, walking towards me.


"Just what?"

"Did you get the haul or what? Cay! How much do you have?" Will asked again. "Hello?"

I thought I had turned the radio off, but I didn't. I turned around and shut the box. He didn't need to know how many quarters I took from him. Did he?

"Shit," I muttered, grabbing the radio and running at Steve.

He tried snatching me, but I ducked under his feet and out of his door. I jumped back up and onto the stairs. I jogged down and grabbed my side bag. I threw it over my shoulder and ran outside. I jumped on my bike and pleaded away.

"Damn it, Caytlinn! Cay!" Steve shouted, running out of the house.

I laughed and biked down the street. After a bit, and biked into the arcade parking lot. I parked my bike and waited for everyone else. Sure enough, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas parked their bikes next to mine.

"How did you get here faster than us? You live farther away?" Dustin asked.

"Short cuts. Running from Steve is hard when he knows every single path you take," I laughed. "So I had to find some new ones."

Joyce honked her horn, and we all looked to see Will in the passenger's seat. Will got out, and we all hurried inside. We all ran to the Dragon's Lair arcade game and Dustin slid his quarters in. He began playing, and we all watched him get farther than ever. Ever than we had gotten.

"To slay the dragon, use the magic sword," the lady cooed, pointing to a sword in the game.

"Oh shit. I'm in uncharted territory here guys," Dustin grumbled.

"Down! Down! Down!" Mike and Lucas shouted.

"I'm going! I'm going!"

Dustin pulled the throttle down, and we all began shouting for him to go right. He pulled right, and we watched as the knight ran from the dragon. The woman laughed and the knight slid past the sword.

"I'm going! I'm going! I'm going!"

We all were shouting instructions at Dustin, it was hard to hear who was saying what. I could tell that Dusitn was getting annoyed, but he kept it under control.

"Okay. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I need my wingman!" Dustin shouted.

We all looked at each other before yelling at him again. We didn't know who it was, so we all assumed it was us.

A Harrington HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now