The Large Candy Bars

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(Ep 2 - Trick or Treat Freak)                                                                                                            Tuesday, October 30                                                                                                                              Steve's POV

I dropped Nancy at home, and drove home, not wanting to deal with my parents, but I had to save Caytlinn. I pulled into our driveway. I saw her bike and my parents' car. I shut my car door and pocketed my keys. I walked up to the front door took a deep breath in, and pushed the door in. I could hear my parents arguing and I just ignored it. I headed upstairs and knocked on Caytlinn's door. It was a few seconds before Caytlinn opened the door, and grabbed my hand. She pulled me in and shut the door.

"Why did you have to go to dinner today? Why today? Steve!" Caytlinn cried out, slamming her hands on my chest.

"What? What did they talk about?" I asked, grabbing both her wrists and preventing her from hitting me anymore.

"They're getting a divorce! And Dad made me drink beer, again!"

Caytlinn's POV

Steve pulled me into his room and set me on his bed. I watched as he left and then came back. He had a bag of candy and a deck of cards. He held them up and I jumped onto the ground next to his bed.

"Now. Tell me what they said. And I double your starting amount," Steve smirked and sat down. "And I'll take the beer next time,"


I told Steve everything from our parents' conversation. How my dad made me drink three beers before I left like he always did. He understood everything and I began beating him at our card game. We had a couple of good laughs and I could swear that I heard Steve groan several times. Once our game finished I piled up the candy that I had won and let out a small laugh. It was a bunch of candy, and I could add it to my Halloween bag to make the boys jealous.

"Come on. Let's get to bed because it's getting late and you've got school and I've got school and neither of us wants to deal with either of our parents," Steve muttered, standing up.

"Can I sleep in here? I don't want to go in my room alone," I mumbled. "You know. Because of them,"

Steve pulled the sheets up and waved me towards him. I climbed into his bed, and he climbed in after me. He pulled me close to his body and hugged me tight.

"Don't worry. I'm right here. He's not going to hurt you. I promise," Steve whispered into my ear.

I shut my eyes, and in a few seconds, I heard Steve snoring. I tried to go to sleep, but it was useless. Lucas was right. I was still having nightmares about the Demogoron. The night it wanted to kill me, the night Steve saved my life. The night we forgave each other for everything. I told him that I didn't have any nightmares anymore, but that was a lie. It was really all a lie.

I didn't tell anyone that I was having nightmares because they would just treat me like a baby, and I didn't want that. I knew Steve was the only person in the Harrington household that I could trust, and I only trusted him with the family drama because he would understand.

Wednesday, October 31, 1984                                                                                                  Caytlinn's POV

I woke up to the cold air of Steve's room blowing on me. Steve wasn't in his bed, but I didn't care. I jumped out of his bed and dragged myself to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I changed into a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and a bomber jacket. I headed downstairs and was confused to see Steve in the kitchen.

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