The next day…

We went to the hospital around 7 A.M.
"Hello, we have an appointment." Mum said to the lady behind the counter.
They talked and Mum and I sat down.
"Mom, I don't want to have surgery." I said.
"What makes you think you'll have surgery?" She asked.
"Because most people do when this happens."
"Nurse Nancy said that it's not that serious."
"Bluey?" A nurse said, and we walked up to her. Well, I limped over.
"Follow me." She said. She was a chow chow dog, and wearing purple nurse scrubs. She had light blonde fur that was curly on top and bright blue eyes.
"So what happened?" The nurse asked. She has a very soft and quiet voice.
"I popped my knee, and it still hurts." I replied.
"How'd it happen?"
"I was racing with my friend when I turned around and tripped. Then I hear something pop. Which was my knee."
"Very interesting."
We got to a room and there were a lot of utensils that I didn't like the look of.
"Okay, I'll get you x-rayed while we wait for the doctor.
"Okay.." I said, nervously.
The nurse must have felt my nervousness, because she said that I would be fine, and I had nothing to worry about.
She x-rayed me and the Doctor came in.
"G'day Bluey!" He said and sat down on the hospital bed.
"So how are you feeling? Knee still hurts?"
"Um, yes. Doctor." I responded.
"I'm Dr. Shepherd. alright, gotta finish your X-rays…" he said, and messed with the papers in his hand.
"So am I done?" I asked.
"Nope." Dr. Shepherd said.
A few minutes later, I was done being x-rayed and the Doctor went to get them.
"Will I need surgery?" I asked the nurse.
"Oh goodness no." She responded. "Yours is not as serious."
I let out a big sigh of relief.
"Thank Gosh." I said.
Dr. Shepherd entered the room with some papers and showed them to Mum and the nurse.
"Oh thank goodness." Mum said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"The doctor will just have to pop your knee back in." The nurse said.
"What? Will it hurt?" I panicked.
"Yes, but it will feel better. And you might need crutches." The nurse said.
I was scared. What if Dr Shepherd popped it in wrong?
"C'mere Bluey." The doctor said, and patted a seat in front of him.
"You'll be okay honey." Mum said.
I carefully got up and sat down where Dr Shepherd wanted me to.
"It'll hurt for a second." He said.
I braced myself for it, and grabbed my knee and pushed it or something. But whatever he did, it hurt.
"Ow!" I said when the Doctor popped it.
"There." He said.
"Does it still hurt?"
"Mhmm." I said slowly. "But not as much."
"Alright.. Well, you dogs are good to go."
I got up and tried to walk over to Mum, but since my knee hurts and feels weird, I fell and almost landed on my face.
"Oh yeah, crutches." Dr Shepherd said.
I was hoping he would forget about them.
The doctor brought Mum and I into a room with a bunch of different sizes of crutches.
"Okay, looks like you need this one." Dr Shepherd gave me one and Mum and the Doctor showed me how to use it.
It was hard at first, but I got the hang of it.
"Alright, let's go Bluey." Mum said.
"Thank you doctor!" She said
"That's okay!" He replied, "I hope you feel better Bluey. Oh and you'll need those crutches for about 3 weeks."
3 weeks. So basically a month until I don't need them.
We wave bye and get in the car.
"Can I not go to school tomorrow Mum?" I asked when we got in the car.
"Sure, honey. I want you to rest anyways." Mum replied, and drove home.

The next day…

It was the day after Bluey's accident.
I was worried about her and could barely sleep.
I want to get to the school bus as fast as possible to see if Bluey was okay.
I got up, took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Then grabbed some bread to eat on the way there.
"Bye Mum!" I said and rushed out of the door.
I didn't even want to wait for her response.
I got to the bus stop and found Lucky and Judo already there.
I could see them holding hands 'secretly'.
"Hi Lucky and Judo. Have you seen Bluey?" I asked them.
"No." They said.
"Mackenzie, stop worrying about Bluey so much." Lucky said and let go of Judo's hand. "What are you, her boyfriend?"
I fake a smile. "Yeah, I'm her boyfriend." I said sarcastically.
"Really?" Lucky said. Apparently, he doesn't know I'm being sarcastic.
"He was being sarcastic, Lucky." Judo told him.
"Y-yeah, I knew that." Lucky's face turned red, and he looked down at his feet. He was embarrassed.
"Hi guys…" Bingo said sadly when she came up. No Bluey.
"What's wrong, Bingo?" Judo asks her.
"Bluey has crutches and can't walk very well." She replied sadly.
"Oh no!" Judo says. "But don't worry, still be okay."
The bus pulls up and we get on.
'Bluey must've really hurt her knee…'
I thought to myself.

Later that night…

I was still worried about Bluey since her accident.
Is she okay?
I was on my phone when my older sister came into the room.
"What are you doing Mackie?" Lia asks me.
"Nothing. What are you doing?" I replied, still looking at my phone.
"I was wondering, um… how do you ask a guy out?" She bit her lip.
"Why?" I said and finally looked up from my phone.
"Because, I want to ask a boy out… but I don't know how."
"Why come to me?"
"Because you're the only other boy here."
I shrug. "Well, I don't really know. Just approach him like you would approach me."
"Oh, okay I think?"
Lia walked out of my room, and then I remembered the Valentine's day dance. I wanted to ask Bluey out, but I didn't know how.
Maybe Lia will help me.
A few hours later, I knocked on Lia's door and walked into her room.
She was drawing in her sketchbook.
"Hey, um, how do you ask a girl out?" I said quickly.
"Ooo Mackie had a crush?" Lia said and closed her sketchbook.
"No! Okay I do. But how?"
"Just go up to get and ask. Maybe give her something too."
I know exactly what to give Bluey.
"Can you tell me her name?" She asks.
"As long as you tell me yours." I replied.
"Okay his name is Captain."
"Wait what? My buddy Captain?"
"Captain was your buddy?"
"Did he ever bring that up?"
"Maybe, but I don't think he knows that you are my little brother. Anyways, tell me yours."
"Okay, I'll tell you mine, eventually."
"What? Mackie you promised!"
"I promised that I would tell you her name, I didn't promise to tell her right now."
"Ugh. Mackie you're the worst!"
I laugh.
"Oh and by the way, I think Captain had a girlfriend."
"Oh. Who?"
"A dog named Mia."
"How do you know?"
"Mia was Bluey's buddy. And they ran off with each other leaving Bluey and I to play together."
"Okay…" Lia said sadly.
I know I shouldn't have, but she would've been more heartbroken if she found out herself.

Hello mates!

I don't know why I left it like that, I didn't know how to end it so there.

I also don't know why Jean-Luc wasn't at school or responding to Mackenzie's and Bluey's texts. I had a reason but forgot it. Maybe I'll remember when write the next chapter.

And yes, my Internet was off this week, because my siblings and I used almost all of it. But it'll be back on September 1st. That's why I posted once this week. But if you have any questions or comments on how to make this better, tell me in the comments.

I made this chapter shorter because Valentine's day is the next chapter. And I'm doing different POVS in it. So stay tuned!

Also, shout out to grdy30, Tri3ple, and 5soskit-kat.
They have amazing Bluey fan fiction books, and you should go read them. They all inspired me to write this. So shout out to them.



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