"Matt, this guy almost killed two of my officers. We're not just gonna stand on the sidelines." Grey says. Garza nods "Okay, we'll let's be super friends if that's what you want to call it. We can join forces together. We should start by talking to the witness who called 911 first." He tells Gwen who nodded her head and went to go find the witness.

After Gwen had questioned the two witnesses they had gotten a description of what the suspect looked liked. According to the two he was a tall man, with a scar under his eye, and a Russian accent.

Tim walks over to Gwen who was writing down information from questioning. She puts down her pen and smiles at him.

"TID got a partial on a piece of the explosive device. Prints came back for an Ezekiel Freemont." He says handing her the folder with a copy of his drivers license. Gwen scans over the information before looking up at Tim.

"That is not scar faced Russian. We could be dealing with a terror call" Gwen says as the description didn't match the picture. Tim nodded his head and sighed.

"Are you okay?" Tim asks the blonde. He watches as she nodded her head and bit her lip.

"Yeah I'm okay. Just tired, I've pumped like 4 times today" she says to him. She could feel how sore her boobs were becoming. That was one the cons of pumping she was always getting a faster supply which meant soreness.

Tim rubs her arm in comfort "I'm sorry that it's uncomfortable" she nods her head with a smile.

"I just want to go home and cuddle Ben" Gwen says with a pout as she looks down at her Lock Screen. Tim agreed with her as he wanted to do the same thing.

Hours had rolled passed since the FBI had found out that Simone Clark, FBI trainee had a previous history with the suspect. She was his old guidance counselor from high school.

Every officer stood in the briefing room surrounded by federal agents, computers and evidence boards.

Federal agent Marlin was going over the newest information with everyone "Based on his history, our suspect clearly shares several personality traits with Ted Kaczynski, otherwise known as the Unabomber." He says.

The door opens with a loud creak as everyone turned their attention to trainee Simone Clark. As she look somewhat embarrassed from making a loud noise and being late.

"Whoops. Don't mind me. I -- I'm just gonna tuck in over here" she says walking over and standing in between Nolan.

"As I was saying, Ezekiel Freemont fits the classic mold of a high-IQ, low-empathy psychopath." Agent Marlin continues.

Simone shakes her head in disagreement "Becoming a bomber speaks to his deep sense of anger and his impotency. But social and sexual tendencies.." he continues. Simone scoffs as all eyes begin to fall on her for interrupting.

"Who are you?" Agent Garza asks. Simone steps forward out of the line and introduces herself.

"I'm Simone Clark. I-I just flew in from the Academy. I was Zeke's guidance counselor for three years in D.C." she says with a small wave.

Gwen smiles in the direction of Simone clearly impressed for speaking out.

"I just don't recognize the kid he's describing. Zeke grew up in a violent home. Had sensory-overload issues because of it. But I found him to be a deeply empathetic person who isolated himself from others as a protection mechanism." She states.

Sweet Creature- Tim Bradford Where stories live. Discover now