That's why I always liked to hang around her, she made me feel alive. When all I saw in front of me was an empty space, she gave me energy and happiness with a mere smile or a look. She never knew, of course. I always let her believe it. And it was fine that way.

Like she said, I chose her to fill my void. She's not special in any way. And I don't want her to be. I'm not in love with her, she's a distraction. A nice distraction, but still a distraction.

If I could keep myself together, I wouldn't have anything to worry about, would I? And that's what I needed right then.

Or that what I thought.

The alcohol helped to take me off this feeling for a second. I felt numb, a sensation I had gotten used to over the past years. It came naturally to me as soon as I started drinking, like breathing became easier and easier to pull into existence every time it was forced out of my body. I took comfort in this feeling that made me think I could control everything.

My eyes traveled to the girls on the dance floor when I passed through them.

They looked beautiful, when the beat changed, I watched how their hips moved along with the rhythm, how their legs swung across their bodies like snakes slithering on the ground.

Their hair flowed wildly behind them, they seemed to move under their own will.

I smiled at the sight of their swaying hips, their bodies turned to the music, their movements hypnotic and powerful.

I stood up and walked towards them, their eyes turned towards mine when I approached them, but their eyes only stared at my mouth.

I didn't even much effort to have them, one of the girls walked closer to me,

Offering herself to me and when her arms embraced me, her breasts rubbed against my shirt and her nipples hardened under the cold touch of my hands.

I could feel it in them, the desire of her heart, her desire for me. Her eyes begged me to follow her.

I leaned over her and kissed her. Her lips opened easily undermine, I felt a warm sensation on my tongue as I slipped it deeper inside her mouth. She moaned quietly and her fingers tangled themselves in my hair.

I closed my eyes but Y/n's face kept flashing inside my head, her bright and beautiful eyes. I pushed her away from me. I pushed the girl causing her to look at me in shock.

The anger I had felt before disappeared. I didn't feel like I had done anything wrong, I was simply doing what I usually did. But why is she in my head?

TEMPTATION [Cha Eunwoo 18+]Where stories live. Discover now