Chapters 303-305 (Extras 7-9)

Start from the beginning

Due to the particular and severe nature of the current situation, orders had been issued by both the various sports centers and the General Administration of Sport to ensure the best possible treatment for the injured athletes.

Under these circumstances, Su Bai's willingness to take charge indicated his capability to devise top-notch rehabilitation plans domestically.

Upon realizing this, many leaders from different centers promptly extended invitations to Su Bai to join the rehabilitation expert group, with the task of devising customized rehabilitation plans for different athletes based on their individual needs.

However, for most of the athletes, given their young age and the relatively minor nature of their injuries, they could be expected to recover to their optimal states through treatment and rehabilitation. Yet, one particular athlete, whose injury had been initially deemed likely to affect their future career, was ultimately concluded, after repeated consultations by the expert group, to be unable to sustain the high intensity demanded by competitive sports.

After reviewing the examination report of this athlete, Su Bai consulted coaches proficient in rehabilitation within the system, and their consensus was that the injury would significantly impact the athlete's future potential. Consequently, Su Bai had to reluctantly abandon the plan to help this athlete return to the arena.

What surprised Su Bai, however, was that this 14-year-old athlete, during his treatment, requested his coach to convey a message to Su Bai. He had heard about Su Bai's plan to select and train coaching talent specifically for young coaches and students, and he wanted to know if he could apply to attend the classes remotely.

Upon hearing this request from the young athlete named Ye Yichen, Su Bai made time to visit him in the hospital, still undergoing treatment, and inquired about the reason behind his request.

Although Ye Yichen was only 14 years old, perhaps due to the recent string of unfortunate events, his face, still somewhat youthful, now bore a serene and mature composure that belied his age. Yet, in his eyes, there remained a hint of innocence and hopefulness.

"I know that my injury this time was entirely due to the presence of some terrible coaches on the show. Among those people, even though some were not genuine coaches, I know that among them were those who served as assistant coaches in some regional teams."

Ye Yichen spoke to Su Bai, each word simple yet conveying a clear meaning: "Coach Su, as you know, as ordinary athletes, we often cannot choose our own coaches. However, the moral character and integrity of a coach can determine the fate of many athletes."

"I can no longer continue on the path of a professional athlete, but I love sports and my discipline. I want to learn to be a good coach and, like you, help more athletes have better careers."

After listening to Ye Yichen's account, Su Bai fell into a brief silence before saying, "But you are a member of the swimming team, and I am a coach for the track and field team."

Ye Yichen gazed at Su Bai with clear and bright eyes. "But you are the most talented coach I know. I want to learn from you how to be an excellent coach!"

Although Ye Yichen's request was somewhat unconventional, and the swimming and track and field teams operated in completely different domains, Su Bai eventually agreed after some consideration. He promised to send Ye Yichen an assessment questionnaire as well.

Su Bai said, "If you can pass the questionnaire assessment, then I will agree to your request."

Ye Yichen immediately transformed his mature expression into a smile, revealing the cheerful innocence befitting his age. "Okay, I will definitely fill out the questionnaire well! Thank you, Coach Su!"

After Leaving the Sports Circle, I Became a Cooking God (Completed BL)Where stories live. Discover now