Fernandez and Le Clos, the top-notch runners controlling the race's tempo, occupied the sixth and third lanes, respectively. The fourth and fifth lanes belonged to Gardiner from the Bahamas and Morris from Grenada.

Once all eight athletes were in position, the lights at the entrance where the athletes had made their appearances went completely dark. In the vast stadium, not all the lights were switched on; only the custom-made light strips on the ninth lane shone brightly in the gaze of the audience, creating a special visual display.

On the circular track, a special virtual projection was cast onto the track combined with light strips to create a spectacular display. Local Qatari-style music filled the arena as the eight light figures moved in a wave-like pattern along the circular track. Finally, the light strips were extinguished, and the ground lights on the track lit up one by one. The lights, in a special design, only illuminated the full 400-meter race track, leaving the areas outside the track in complete darkness. This forced the audience in the stands to focus their attention on this particular track, witnessing what could be described as the world's pinnacle of men's 400-meter sprinting.

Back in China, some viewers who hadn't watched the World Championships before were stunned by the elaborate introductions and entrances of the athletes.

User 1: 【_(:3)∠_I'm so naive. I thought athletes in sports competitions made simple entrances. What's going on tonight? I'm shocked.】

User 2: 【Haven't you watched the men's 100 meters final? Yu Ge's entrance was also quite stylish. This is the regular routine for athlete entrances in the World Championships nowadays.】

User 3: 【Just passing through, but this entrance had me thinking I stumbled into a talent show. But, to be honest, it looks really cool!】

Some viewers were casually chatting on the live chat, but most of the track and field enthusiasts, despite already having a 90% idea of what to expect, were still nervous, with sweaty palms, sitting in front of their TVs, too engrossed to pay attention to the live chat.

In the small fan group dedicated to Huang Yilun, a dedicated fan of the 400 meters, discussions were ongoing. While the conversation wasn't necessarily about the race itself, the fans were eagerly waiting for the evening's race to begin.

As the evening's competition began, with each event progressing, those in the fan group became increasingly hesitant to discuss anything related to the night's race.

Huang Yilun wasn't sure what his friends in the group had done during their nervous moments. However, he had noticed on Weibo that the dedicated track and field fan known as Dasheng Runs Fast, who had previously trended a hashtag and bought a trending topic to apologize to Su Bai for some online banter, had donated a significant amount to a charity project today. Huang Yilun wasn't alone; he too chose to donate for some peace of mind.

Then, as he looked at the real-time donation updates for the charity project, he saw a whole row of names belonging to Dasheng Runs Fast.



Alright, since the initial donation for Su Bai by Fang Yu and the subsequent donation by the goofy Qiu Wen, track and field fans had taken this as a way to seek comfort. Especially Huang Yilun's donation in this charity project, as it was where the first fan donated to Fang Yu, followed by Qiu Wen. So, it had already become a kind of internet sensation within the charity project.

Huang Yilun tried to distract himself with these scattered thoughts to ease his nervousness. However, when he heard the voice of Shao Minyi on TV saying, "The race is about to begin," his breath still caught in his throat.

After Leaving the Sports Circle, I Became a Cooking God (Completed BL)Where stories live. Discover now