Chapter 6

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Afton Kids age:

Michael: 14

C.C/Evan: 11 (Deceased)

Hadrian: 8

Elizabeth: 7 (Deceased)

Ever since the incident at school Hadrian has tried his best to make his "powers" work

To tearing pieces of paper and even going as far as to tear his favorite jeans

Sometimes is works other times he was not so lucky

Bunny always seemed mesmerized by Hadrian's "powers" and often tried to help him out

Sometime it would end up with him floating to one side of the room before dropping onto the floor

To which Hadrian would run over and hold up him up to check for injuries even though he was in stuffed form

William and Michael had sorta noticed the new behavior in Hadrian

He would lock himself in his room all day and then exactly at four he would come eat dinner and then back to his room he went

Michael being a concerned older brother tried to ask what was wrong but Hadrian would always avoid him

Well that was until


Hadrian began to cough as the smoke cleared

Maybe he shouldn't have tried to fix his toy robot with his powers

Not even a second later Michael burst into the room


Taking in the sight of the smoldering toy  Michael seemed to just freeze with his mouth open in shock

Hadrian smiled sheepishly before waving his hand in from of Michael's face

"What the heck did you do" Michael asked looking down at Hadrian in disbelief

Before he could answer a knock at the front door sounded

Michael and Hadrian shared a look

The two peek out into the hallway to see their father walking to door to answer it

"Hello sir can we speak to you for a moment?"

William stared at the two men in front of him

They didn't really look like police so he wasn't sure what they we're doing at his door

"What for?"

"Just a moment of your time and we will tell you"

Despite knowing he shouldn't let the very obviously suspicious people in William's curiosity got the the better of him

(A little skip)

"Wait your telling Hadrian's a wizard?"asks William with disbelief painted across his face

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying"

"You do understand this is all sounding a little made up right?"

One men nodded and then to proceeded to take out a stick

Hadrian watched in fascination as the man turned their perfectly solid table into a fluffy dog who immediately shot toward him asking for belly rubs

William and Michael stared at the dog in shock

"So does that mean I can do that too" Hadrian asks excitedly

The men nodded

"Once you turn eleven you'll go to one Wizarding Schools we have available" one of the men says

"Wizarding School?" Asks Michael

"It's for children like Hadrian who also have magic"

"They go there to help control their magic starting from year 1 to year 7"

"Wait my son is going to be away for seven years?"Asks Willaim

"No no well technically he will have all holidays to come home and visit including summer break and year breaks"

"Think of it like a boarding school"

Hadrian wasn't so sure about being away from home for so long but the chance of learning how to use his "powers" or as the man called it magic was too enticing

"The closest one to your current residence I believe is Hogwarts"

Seems like they switched the topic of the conversation when he wasn't listening

"Hogwarts? Sounds like a frog name"says Michael

"Yes I guess it does but Hogwarts usually goes by the ones who's names been put down in a book since birth"

"They usually send an owl with your acceptance letter so do not fret if you see one"

All this magic stuff was making Michael's head hurt but he thought it was cool that Hadrian had powers

Just think of the things they could get into but of course with great power comes a great responsibility

"Also I want to tell you that you are prohibited from using  magic in front of a non-magical user as it is against the law in the magical world"

William looked at the man with an raised eyebrow

"But you just showed us magic?"

The man sighed and backtracked

"According to ministry laws muggleborn or halfblood parents any one that is close to the wizard of topic is allowed to know"

"Well it's either you keep it to yourself or we erase your memories"

"WHAT! You can do that?"Asks Michael

"Hm Yes we are trained professionals after all"

"Yes one more thing when you turn eleven you are allowed a wand but if you were to use magic outside of the Wizarding World and risked exposure your wand will be snapped and you will be expelled or worse case is Azkaban"

"Azkaban?" Asks Hadrian

"Wizarding Prison"

William shook his head the laws don't make any sense he wondered who was the idiot who made them

(Okay so I really don't know a lot or anything really about the Wizarding Laws or how this encounter would go) 

Also short chapter?

I kinda don't know where I was going with this chapter so I'm not really proud of it

Hadrian Afton (A Fnaf/Harry Potter crosssover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora