Chapter 10

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Afton/Emily kids:

Micheal: 14





The days with Charlie were actually quite stressful

Who knew taking care of one six year old would bring so much chaos

"No Charlie we are not dying Hadrian's hair pink"

"But he'll look so cute!"

Michael sighs

"We are not going to dye his hair"

"I don't mind" Hadrian says holding bunny close looking back and forth at the two as they argue

"Don't give in to her Hadrian!"

"See Hadrian agrees with me!"

Hadrian finally had enough of watching the two argue with each other so he decided to sneak off and find William

William has been a little more irritated ever since Charlie has been here and it made Hadrian concerned for his father


William sighs tiredly and turns to face him

"What is it Hadrian?" William snaps

Hadrian shrinks back slightly which makes William sigh again

"What do you want Hadrian?" He says a little more calmly

"I'm worried about you've been hold up in here since Charlie came over.."

William sets down his tools and rub his temples

"I know Hadrian" He sighs

Hadrian frowns and walks over causing William to hug the life out of him


William sighs

"Never change Hadrian"

Hadrian was now completely confused but welcomed the hug...

His father wasn't really affectionate so this was kind of new

"So what brings you down here Hadrian?"

"Michael and Charile are arguing over my hair color"

"Your hair color?"

"Charlie wants to dye my hair pink"

"Absolutely not"

"I think I would look good with pink hair"

"We are not dying your hair Hadrian"

"She can't say I didn't try"

William runs his hands over his face as Hadrian laughs

"Alright back upstairs I told you not to come down here let's go"

William directed Hadrian back upstairs where they found the living room in shambles

"Hadrian why does it look like a tornado went through here"

Hadrian holds bunny closer and looks at William nervously

"I told you Michael and Charlie were fighting"

William was definitely regretting his decision to let Charlie stay for a few days

Especially since Elizabeth wasn't here to keep her company

William paused at the thought of Elizabeth

He hadn't really thought about the girl after she went missing

It was kind of weird she would show up in his thoughts now

Shaking his head William muled over what to do about the now destroyed living room

"Hadrian this is why your the favorite child"

Hearing this Michael poke his head out of his room

"Hey how come Hadrian's the favorite? "

William wasn't going to answer that he had way to many reasons why Michael wasn't his favorite

"I'm not answering that"

Michael pouted and ducked a spray from the water gun Charlie had found somewhere

Hadrian watched the chaos with a frown as he clutched onto Williams leg

"You two are going to clean this mess up me and Hadrian are going to the store"

Michael was about to complain but one look from William stopped it

Seems like William wasn't in the mood anymore _____________________________________

When it came time for Henry to collect Charlie most of the Afton Household sighed in relief

Especially William who was running on two hours of sleep and six cups of coffee

"Thank you William"

"It's wasn't a problem at all"

Henry smiled before going home with Charlie to explain the new situation between him and her mother

As soon as they left William passed out on the couch asleep

Hadrian stared at him in concern before attempting to poke him awake

It didn't work

"Papa must have been really tired"

Michael nodded and directed Hadrian to his room were the two then hung out and drew pictures to put on the wall

A few hours later

Hadrian sat on his floor with Bunny who was in his full monstrous form

They were currently drawing pictures while Michael was sleeping on his half drawn paper

"What do you think bunny?" Hadrian says lifting up his drawing to show him

Bunny let out a happy sound before showing Hadrian his drawing which was a mess of lines that was supposed to resemble Hadrian

"That looks amazing Bunny you should be a full time artist"

Bunny gives a very toothy grin at Hadrian's praise and continues drawing

The two were enjoying each others company until...


Both of them jump and look over at Michael who was staring at bunny in fear

Bunny not liking his stare chose to hide behind Hadrian

"H-hadrian what is that thing?"

"Bunny is not a thing he's my friend!"

Michael looked at Hadrian

"You named it!?"

Hadrian crosses his arms and gives Michael a look

"Your going to hurt bunny's feelings"

Michael looks at Hadrian with a dumbstruck look

"H-hurt his feelings? He looks like he could crush me at any second!"

"I think your over exaggerating this"

"Hadrian this is not normal! Does father know about this!"

"Well no..."




( I don't think I mentioned this at all but I based the aftons being in London lol)

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