She smiled at the thought. They never spoke but she never had a truer friend. The day she left was the first time they spoke to each other
"Valar morghulis"he said
"Valar dohaeris" she replied
They didn't see each other for years but that was until he arrived in Winterfell after her wedding laid his sword in front of her and swore him to her. Since then he had become her shadow.
Not that I would want it any other way.
She thought as she cuddled into him and fell into the realm of dreams.

She awoke not too long after. Aeron was already gone and was most likely looking in his flames.
Daenyra got up and decided to visit Bran. She knew Lady Stark would be there.
And her suspicions were to be confirmed as we stood outside of Bran's chamber. But she wasn't alone. Lord Stark was right beside her so she decided to leave them alone.
She looked around but she saw no one. It's as if every single Lannister and Baratheon soldier had left but she knew they were still there. Lurking somewhere. She made her way to Jon's chamber.

Jon's chamber, against the wishes of Lady Stark, was in the family quarters.
His room had been Lady Lyannas before him.
She knocked and entered before he could say anything.
"My Love"
Jon's head whipped around.
He smiled.
She loved his smile.
"My lady"

He stood and wrapped his hands around her. Daenyra adored hugs.
They pulled away and just sat on his bed and talked about everything and nothing at all.
He asked about Essos and she described it in the most detailed way she possibly could. Jon felt as if he was right there but he knew he would never see those vibrant places.
She asked about Westerosi heroes she already knew about but she loved hearing him talk. He told her about the young dragon even though she didn't like him as she was a dornishwoman she said nothing.
They avoided the whole night watch thing but both knew that this was their goodbye. There would be an official goodbye of course but this was two lovers saying goodbye maybe forever.
They kissed.
And she left.

She leaned against his door and smiled as Aeron came from the shadows.
"Don't even try to scare me raqiros"
"Come let us talk"
She sighed and followed him to her room.
"It's dangerous what you are doing with Jon," he told her as soon as they entered her room.
"He will be leaving for castle black tomorrow" she replied in High Valyrian
"It doesn't matter the Lannisters are still here"
"Daenyra don't. You have to be careful. This is not essos it dorne." he told her in his warning voice.
She just nodded. She knew he was right.

It was night.
She had said her goodbyes to Sansa and Arya. She spent almost her entire day with them and of course, her shadow followed her.

Daenyra couldn't sleep again.

She left her room smiled when she noticed that Aeron had listened to her and went to sleep.

She went to the Godswood.
Daenyra knew Lord Stark would be there.
They said nothing for a long time.
During that time Daenyra realised she didn't know how to start a conversation with anyone. She prayed he would say something first but he did not.

"I do not want to offend master luwin but maybe I could write to one of my friends in Essos. Maybe they have some medicine or some practice Westeros doesn't have"
"You don't need to Daenyra."

Daenyra.The first time he has called me that.

"I want to. And if there is no chance of him walking with medicine maybe I could-"
"No blood magic or whatever you do in essos" he harshly cut her off.
But she didn't mind. That's the way she had been with him and her anger was directed at him.
She decided that maybe folklore would help so she began telling him an ancient Valyrian folklore her father told her.

She could tell she relaxed and at times he even smiled.
They sat under the red-leaved tree for maybe an hour before she stood.
"I wanted to say goodbye lord stark. Privately."
"I don't forgive you and I never will but I understand better and I will pray for you. Kings Landing is not a safe place for you."
She knew he was to cut her off but she continued anyway
"It's in the flames lord stark. A war is brewing. Don't trust anyone. The South is not like the North you should know. They don't care about real honor."
"You are so much like your mother and father."

Lady Ashara and Prince Maekar.

He meant them, she knew.
She smiled at first but then remembered she should hate him. Her smile fell.
"I wish you good fortune in the wars to come." and she turned and left lord stark with his thoughts.

Back in her room, Daenyra felt her eyes starting to water up, and before she knew it tears were flowing down her face.
She locked her door, opened her closet, and pulled out a large chest.
Out of it, she pulled out three things. She took her father's tunic and put it on. The next thing she pulled out was a note from her father and the final thing was a large grey dragon egg. In total, she had three dragon eggs and she liked to sleep with them when she missed her father.
With her egg and letter, she laid on her bed.
Ser Knight opened his eyes and closed them as he snuggled into her.
She laid the egg on the other side and started reading her letter.

My daughter,
Unfortunately, our time will be cut short.
I always knew that this time would come but still, I have dreaded it.
My brother, as you know, is at fault but maybe I am as well.
I love you my little hatchling.
I wish I could see you grow up but I know you will grow beautifully.
I give you these dragon eggs for you are the commander of dragons, their whisperess.
I am sorry I did not tell you earlier but I wanted you to have a nice carefree childhood.
Some say destiny has already been written but I don't believe that.
No one could ever write your story.
Not even I.
I know these are my last days. My only regret is that won't be able to spend it with you.
Don't forget you are never alone.
Robert might have forgotten because my sister had been Lady Vernize for a long time but house Targaryen is still strong. We still have each other.

It doesn't matter where you are west or east Targaryens will be near. Your cousins in Essos or your Aunt in Westeros or me wherever one goes after death. We will always be together.

With love,
Your Father

Whisperess of Dragons•Jon SnowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon