Anyway, even though they didn't know what was going on, Coach Xiao Bai was amazing!

In the locker room, Su Bai changed into different clothes, performed a simple stretch, and then smiled to himself.

It should be said that he didn't expect the Athletics Center to introduce the Pyramid Challenge event. But as he had told his athletes, his absolute speed talent wasn't great in sprinting. However, when it came to speed control ability, his talent was unexpectedly good.

He had gradually discovered these abilities after getting the system.

However, he originally trained in the 100-meter sprint. While it also required rhythm, it demanded more explosive power, strength, speed, and the ability to maintain high absolute speed.

In these areas, his talent was only average. So, when he had just spoken to his athletes, it was genuinely sincere. Rather than training himself to improve his time from 10.88 seconds to 10.30 seconds, which held no significance for the domestic sprinting field, he preferred to focus on their training.

In that case, at most, he would have transformed from a struggling athlete to one who barely made it to the national level, becoming a top-ten domestic sprinter at best.

As a coach, after transitioning, his main goal was to help athletes like Fang Yu improve their times, even if it was just by 0.01 seconds. It was far more meaningful than improving his own time by 0.5 seconds.

As for how he managed to achieve such results in the Pyramid Challenge, it was primarily due to his training in the Idol Training Space within the system.

As a coach, while he mainly provided theoretical guidance in most cases, he also personally tested most training methods within the system space.

The simulated athletes within the system provided him with reasonable predictions of the changes in performance when applying specific training techniques. His own experiments during training allowed for another, more "intuitive" form of verification.

Surprisingly, his approach in the system's training programs received recognition from the system's coaching module.

In a sense, the training maintained within the system also continued his dream as an athlete.

In any case, Su Bai's 'Pyramid Challenge' video was considered complete, and the following day, the national team athletes nervously recorded their own videos of the Pyramid Speed Training. Unfortunately, among the 15 athletes, Zhang Ziyi had the best control over speed variation, with a variation of 0.36 after running five 200-meter sprints. This was far from Su Bai's previous standard of 0.25.

After reviewing everyone's results, Su Bai didn't say much. He merely flashed a slight smile. Under his gaze, the track and field team members could only stand tall and keep their mouths shut, not daring to ask for mercy.

This scene was recorded by the cameras of the production crew. After the 'Pyramid Challenge Launch Video Outtakes' of the track and field team aired, the enthusiastic fans who had previously cheered for the team's handsome appearance found themselves bursting into laughter at the team's somewhat cowardly appearance in the outtakes.

After Su Bai's 'Pyramid Challenge' video was released, as expected by the production crew, it sparked a wave of challenges on the internet.

Compared to other challenges that had become popular on the internet, the preparation process for the 'Pyramid Challenge' was much more complicated. However, the enthusiasm of netizens was hard to ignore. Apart from the bloggers who had already published imitation videos, with the participation of various celebrities and public figures invited by the production crew, more and more people attempted the 200-meter Pyramid Challenge at sports venues across the country. In no time, the 'Pyramid Challenge' became as popular on the internet as the program  Athletics Idol Training Camp》.

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