This meant that Wang Shen secured first place, Abdullah second, and Ye Wenhao third in the competition. The athletes had given their all, and the results reflected their remarkable achievements in the high jump event.

"Congratulations to Wang Shen! He successfully clinched the championship in the men's high jump event at the Asia Six-Nation Athletics Joint Challenge with a height of 2.30 meters! Our Chinese athlete, Ye Wenhao, secured the second place with a performance of 2.30 meters, while the renowned high jumper from Qatar, Abdullah, achieved third place with a height of 2.28 meters."

"All three athletes showcased exceptional competitive form and qualities in today's competition, confirming the unquestionable high standard of this event."

"With the conclusion of the high jump competition, today's competition has come to an end. Whether it's the spectators who have shown increased interest in athletics due to the strong promotion by the Athletics Center and various media outlets, or the dedicated athletics enthusiasts, everyone is exhilarated by the exciting results of today's events."

"From the past official promotions, track and field events may not have received as much attention due to their perceived lower entertainment value, coupled with the scarcity of top Chinese athletes in the sport. However, in today's competition, whether it was Fang Yu breaking the 10-second barrier in the 100 meters after five years, the significant improvement in the 400-meter event breaking a national record untouched for fifteen years, or the subsequent sweep of the top three positions in the 110-meter hurdles by Chinese athletes... One after another, these achievements have made even casual observers pay attention to domestic track and field."

"Both the Athletics Center and the General Administration of Sports are pleasantly surprised by the results of this competition. The success and progress of these athletes represent the flourishing state of Chinese sports. The strength of sports is, without a doubt, a symbol of our national power from any perspective."

"After the conclusion of the high jump finals, reporters on-site naturally wanted to interview Wang Shen and Ye Wenhao, the twin stars who secured the first and second place in the high jump, earning themselves qualifications for the World Championships."

"Wang Shen, over the past year, you've struggled to defeat Ye Wenhao. Today, you could say you've settled the score. Do you have anything to say to Ye Wenhao?"

The question came from an athletics journalist who was quite familiar with both Wang Shen and Ye Wenhao. After asking the question, there were smiles all around, with Wang Shen responding, "I wonder if Wenhao has truly cherished the experience of winning over the past year or so? After all, what he's going to face next is becoming my underling, which is quite a cruel fate."

Ye Wenhao, hearing this, immediately protested, "Hey, come on, Old Wang! You can't say that. How can you already assume I'll lose in the future?"

Wang Shen, with a mischievous grin, replied, "Because I want to keep winning."

Hearing this, Ye Wenhao was momentarily at a loss for words. He wanted to retort with something like, "Just saying you want to win doesn't guarantee it," but the mischievous look on Wang Shen's face made him feel a sense of caution. He didn't say anything, but he couldn't help rolling his eyes at Wang Shen. He didn't voice his thoughts, but he felt a slight pressure. Wang Shen's recent changes, especially his statement about wanting to keep winning, seemed genuine to Ye Wenhao.

The journalists, on the other hand, didn't read too deeply into the conversation. They saw Wang Shen and Ye Wenhao joking around and thought their relationship seemed good.

Soon, the journalists shifted the conversation to the next question.

"In today's competition, both of you successfully cleared the 2.30-meter height, which is a new personal best for both of you when compared to your previous records. It seems you've made significant progress during your recent training. Can you share your thoughts on your training during this winter period?"

After Leaving the Sports Circle, I Became a Cooking God (Completed BL)Where stories live. Discover now