First Baby

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Chapter 1: First Baby

Within this fantasy realm, ten diverse interspecies coexisted in a harmonious balance, as long as certain boundaries were not transgressed.

The remainder of the day.

Just don't cross the line!

However, a distinct aspect emerged when it came to adoption-an unusual occurrence within their society, despite the shared interspecies connection. The reason for this rarity was rooted in a sense of inferiority; the prevailing sentiment emphasized the paramount importance of preserving one's bloodline.

Although intermarriage between different interspecies was accepted, nurturing children outside one's lineage was not.

Yet, within the narrative of this tale, a couple resided in a remote woodland, existing far removed from these established conventions. Remarkably, they defied societal norms by embracing an unconventional choice: adopting all ten interspecies, irrespective of their backgrounds.

As if making their collections of the interspecies babies.

In this secluded haven, distinctions dissolved, and they cared for these young souls without the constraint of bloodline considerations.

Now, let's roll into the introduction.

In a world divided by interspecies distinctions, a delicate balance was maintained as these distinct groups refrained from interfering with each other's affairs. While rivalries occasionally flared up, a broader harmony prevailed. However, a particular species, often referred to by others as the "bug Zerg," harbored insatiable dissatisfaction. Driven by a desire to conquer the entire world, they instigated a brutal massacre of other interspecies.

Faced with the threat posed by the Zerg, interspecies unity became a necessity as they set aside their differences and joined forces. Throughout this enduring conflict, each species gave rise to formidable warriors, achieving the esteemed rank of SS-God tier.

In this world, the power of all interspecies is categorized into a hierarchical tier system. Ranging from the lower tiers to the pinnacle, the tiers are designated as follows: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SS-God. Within the confines of a family household, the presence of a child with a lower rank is met with disdain, particularly if they are labeled as F-rank. While it holds that advancement through cultivation can lead to achieving higher ranks, the challenges become steeper for those born with the lowest rank. The path to attaining the revered God tier becomes considerably more formidable for these individuals.

During the tumultuous period of war, each interspecies group had its own designated SS-God representative. Among the Beast interspecies, a lion beast held this esteemed position. His prowess on the battlefield was awe-inspiring, as he relentlessly decimated thousands of Zerg adversaries without pause. Beyond his martial might, he was regarded as a venerable leader, commanding the respect and admiration of all who looked to him for guidance.

However, once the war subsided, a somber twist emerged in his story. He and his wife faced the heartache of infertility, despite their earnest efforts to conceive. Their attempts yielded no joyous news, casting a melancholic shadow over not only their own lives but also the entire community of beast interspecies. Well-intentioned nobles and elders intervened, suggesting potential solutions such as taking concubines or mistresses to secure an heir.

Before you confuse, there are two genders in this world. A Sire and a Ger. The Ger is the one who conceives the offspring. This counsel arose from their discovery of the wife's low fertility, discerned through the observation of the "fertility core" inherent to the wife Ger.

Unfortunately, the dimness of this fertility core led to the conclusion that the couple's hopes of having children were bleak. This realization was met with profound sadness, as the couple grappled with their shared disappointment. A few weeks later, an unexpected turn of events occurred-the couple vanished from their surroundings, leaving behind a void shrouded in mystery.

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