"They're with Scarlet," Nevaeh replied.


"Are you, uh... Close?" Mr. Gold asked.

"Hang in there, Dark One," Isaac told him. "Don't let that heart turn to coal just yet. You'll be fine. Better than ever."

"Why help me? You have the quill now. You don't need me anymore."

"We're a lot alike. We've both struggled mightily for happiness all our lives. You got power, became the Dark One, but you've never been the content one. I know what that's like... To always have dissatisfaction gnawing at you, watching other people's happiness bloom. It's time for a world where up is down, where villains can have happy endings."

"And what does your ending look like? A castle? Treasure? Power?"

"In the Enchanted Forest? Do you think I like dysentery and a 40-year life expectancy? No, no, that's your world. I like room service and indoor plumbing. You're welcome to a happy ending in your land. I'll take one in mine."

"Continue with the writing, if you please."

"Of course. I-I just need one last detail. Your son... Baelfire."

"Don't toy with me, scribe. Magic can't bring back the dead."

"No. It can't. This quill and ink can only change a past it has created. Which is why I have to write your new story from this moment forward and into the future. But... In your new life, I can make you forget him."

"No, never. I want my memories of him. But maybe with a... Slight adjustment. I would like a world where I remember doing right by my boy. Where he may be gone, but I can live with that loss. Where Bae sees me as a hero right at the end."

"I think I can do that. And with that last piece, it's time to finish."


Emma, Regina, Nevaeh and the Apprentice were walking to Mr. Gold's shop.


David, Mary Margaret, Hook, Jefferson, Grace and Henry were looking for the door's page at the loft. Hook and Jefferson found the storybook.


Isaac finished writing his story. ""The end.""

There was an earthquake and light.


Henry and Grace woke up at the loft, with the key. He had a confused/concerned look before calling, "Grandma? Grandpa! Hook! Nevaeh! Scarlet! Jefferson!" In the streets, everybody was gone. "Hello?! Hello?! Is anyone here?! Hello?!"

"Mama! Papa! Scarlet! Tatiana! Tobias!" Grace called. "Henry, what are we supposed to do?"

Henry gave her a small smile and entered Mr. Gold's shop. Grace followed after him. They stopped the gramophone. Henry and Grace, after getting the twins, left Storybrooke.


Henry parked the car and he and Grace, holding her brother and sister's hands, entered a restaurant.

"Nice parking job," the waitress commented. "You old enough to drive?"

"Yeah. Are you? I need some help. Have you seen any of these people?" He showed her a picture and Grace showed her another.

"Mm... No. No, I haven't."

"It's our families. Are you sure?"

"Look, why don't you two wait here, and I can, um... I-I'll ask some of the others..." She went to a phone. "Yeah, I've got a few someones here. Yeah, I-I think they're runaways."

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