Chapter Twenty-Five: Just Fluff

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Jisoo was lying on the couch with Lia on her chest watching Anastasia. Jennie would be home any moment with the boys and the two girls were enjoying the quiet while they could.

"Can we get a puppy?" Lia asked suddenly.

"Ask Mommy when she gets home," Jisoo deferred unable to say no.

"Ask me what?" Jennie's voice rang through the room.

The two boys ran into the room jumping onto Jisoo's legs and crawled up so all three kids were laying in her arms. With a chuckle, Jisoo pulled the kids closer to the back of the couch so they wouldn't fall off the couch.

"Can we get a puppy?" Lia asked again smiling up at Jennie.

Jisoo watched the shock play out on Jennie's features as she sat down at the end of the couch.

"I...Well...Umm..." Jennie stammered unable to form a sentence.

"I want a puppy," Jisu pouted.

"Can he be black?" Yoshi asked.

"He? Who says it would be a boy?" Jisoo tickled Yoshi's side.

"Please Mommy," Lia produced her best pout staring directly at Jennie.

Jisoo waited for the response knowing that it was unlikely that Jennie would agree.

"We can get a puppy," Jennie started but was interrupted by the kids cheering. "If and only if you four are responsible for it. That means you guys walk it, clean up after it, and feed it."

Jisoo's eyes widened as she stared into mischievous eyes. Jisoo's hands quickly covered her cock as the kids jumped up on her bouncing over to hug Jennie.

"Can we go now?" Lia asked smiling brightly.

"That's up to Mama, she's in charge of all things puppy-related."

"But..." Jisoo was now stumbling over her words shocked that Jennie had agreed so easily.

Four sets of eyes stared at her expectantly as she stood up from the couch.

"Fine," Jisoo huffed in exasperation. "I get to choose the breed."

Three pairs of feet ran towards the door screaming in excitement as Jisoo helped Jennie off the couch.


"For someone who doesn't want anything to do with a dog, you certainly got more than enough stuff for him," Jisoo said bringing in the last of the dog toys and furniture.

"The more he has the less likely he will be to eat my things," Jennie sighed.

"Does he really need 20 tennis balls though?"

"Our backyard is massive, I'm sure the kids have already lost one playing with him now."

Jisoo sat down behind Jennie wrapping her arms around her. Jennie leaned back into the embrace sighing contentedly.

"He's potty trained right?" Jennie asked suddenly.

"He will have to get used to the house but he's three so I'd assume so," Jisoo shut her eyes and laid back on the couch.

The sound of the back door opening and closing was all the warning she got before her face was licked by a pomeranian

"Kuma," Jisoo chuckled pushing the dog back. "No licking, please."

"Mama, can we take Kuma on a walk now?" Lia asked leaning over and hugging the dog.

"Sure," Jisoo sat up extricating herself from Jennie.

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