Chapter One: The Unexpected

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Exploding into the condom she rolled onto her back with feelings of self-deprecation invading all her senses.

"Not going to help me finish?" The blonde beside her moaned out, cat eyes staring into her. It wasn't the right cat eyes, not the right shape of eyes. It was never right anymore.

Pulling the girl into her arms she snaked her hand down. Slipping her fingers into the other girl, she turned her head before their lips connected. She never kissed these women. She didn't kiss anyone anymore.

After hearing the girl cry out, she removed her fingers and left the bed in search of her clothes.

"Stay," a voice cooed to her. She wouldn't because she never did.

All her life consisted of these days were bars and random women to fill the void that seemed to grow deeper by the day. With a shake of her head, she left the apartment to head towards her own home. These nights were no longer as fulfilling as they once were. They only added to the hatred she felt for herself.

Walking back to her apartment, her thoughts were filled with memories of the only girl that mattered to her. She ruined it. She ran scared before she realized how in love with the girl she was. It had been three years since she last saw her and the pain was just as deep if not worse than the day she walked away, breaking their hearts without a goodbye. Maybe it was time to stop running. Time to return. Time to see if she was too late to get the woman who invaded her soul back. Maybe it was time to explain just why she left the way she did.

She knew it would never work. Her friends had probably forgotten her by now. The day she broke contact with everyone, including the love of her life and her family, was the day she lost her shot at being happy. What was the reason? There was no excuse that she could produce that would be acceptable in the eyes of those she cared about. No excuse acceptable to herself.


Stopping at her door her head whipped around in search of that voice. She would recognize it was anywhere but it couldn't be, that was impossible. The voice of the woman she spent her days and nights thinking of. Wishing that it all had been different, that nothing ever changed, that she had never left. She couldn't be found 3000 miles away. Her family never found her and if they did, they never contacted her.

Stepping out from under the tree was the very woman she never thought she'd see again. Sure she had been contemplating returning recently but to be honest, she doubted she had the courage.

Walking up to her was the girl with the right color blonde, the right shape of cat eyes. Standing mere inches from her was the perfection that meaningless flings could never compete with.

"Jennie, I.." she what? What could she say? I'm sorry was far too simple and meaningless. It wouldn't be enough.

"How, did you find me?" Nice opening Jisoo, try again. "I mean, it's..."

"We need to talk. May I come in?" The words were shaky and slightly cold.

Knowing she had no right to be hurt by the other girl's tone, Jisoo turned and opened the door letting her in. Her home was tidy but bare. It was lifeless for lack of a better word. No pictures, basic furniture, and it looked as if nobody lived in it.

Grabbing two beers from the fridge, Jisoo calmed her breathing and readied herself for the conversation she knew she was about to have. As she walked into the room, she saw Jennie sitting on the couch with her cell phone out.

Jealousy surged through her as she thought about who the other girl could be texting. She had no right to be angry. She lost that right when she left.

Taking a deep breath, she sat down.

"I have been trying to find you for three years." There was a hint of anger laced with sorrow in the other girl's tone that made Jisoo's heart heavy. "You left without reason or explanation and I need..." she could see the storm brewing in soulful eyes. She wanted to speak and explain why she left but fear stuck her tongue to the roof of her mouth.

She watched in silence as she was handed Jennie's cell phone. She didn't bother to look down as she watched tears start to fall on those beautiful cheeks.

"I hoped that maybe you had a reason for leaving. Maybe you would realize your mistake but after three months you still hadn't come back for me. But you know what else hasn't come?" She laughed softly and Jisoo was entranced by the sound. Still not comprehending what was happening. "His name is Jisu, and he's two and a half."

Looking down, Jisoo finally saw what was on Jennie's phone. A little boy with brown eyes and Jennie's blonde hair smiled into the camera.

Suddenly, all the air in her lungs left and she couldn't suck air in fast enough to replace what was gone. Her heart began to race and she choked out words she couldn't quite comprehend.

"I have a son?"

"We have a son and he has waited two years and six months to meet you."

"You named him after me." Words failed her as she began to realize all that she left behind. She didn't just leave behind the love of her life or her family. She left behind her child.

"I did. Stop thinking so hard. You didn't know about him." She knew. She always knew exactly what Jisoo was thinking before she realized it herself.

"Why?" Another chuckle slipped from gorgeous heart-shaped lips. She looked up to see deep dark cat eyes staring back at her.

"You may have walked out on me, but you never abandoned him. The moment I looked into his eyes, I saw you and I knew he deserved to have a part of you even if it was only in name."

This was the girl she fell in love with. Loving, kind, and sweet. Jennie. The girl who was always selfless and thought of others before even herself. The girl who thought enough of her to name their son after his mother who he may never know.

Suddenly, Jisoo became overwhelmed and with tears running down her face, she wrapped her arms around Jennie.

It's time to return home.

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