Chapter Twenty-Two: Expanding The Family🔞

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"Fuck," Jennie moaned as her nails scraped across Jisoo's back. "Harder, baby!"

Jennie was spread wide open before Jisoo on the bathroom counter. Jisoo's fingers were buried deep in Jennie hitting her spot with force. Jennie could feel Jisoo's cock poking her clit, begging for attention. Jennie whined as Jisoo removed her fingers.

"Patience, love." Jisoo circled Jennie's clit with her thumb. "You're so wet, is this all for me?"

"Yes, Daddy." Jennie pulled Jisoo down for a kiss and Jisoo took the opportunity to slide her hardened cock into Jennie. The two let out deep moans as Jennie's pussy tightened around Jisoo.

"AUNT JENNIE!!! AUNT JISOO!!!" A tiny voice yelled through the intercom.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Jennie whimpered burying her head into Jisoo's neck. "I need to go check on the kids, Chu."

Jisoo groaned as she removed herself from Jennie. When Jisoo took a step back, Jennie watched precum leak from the tip of her erection.

"Don't you dare finish without me," Jennie warned as she got dressed in her robe and walked out of the room.

Heading down the hall to Jisu's room, Jennie took a deep breath to compose herself. Opening the bedroom door, Jennie walked in slowly so she wouldn't scare the two kids bundled together under the blankets.

"Hi guys, what's going on?" Jennie asked the kids.

"I had a scary dream," Yoshi mumbled.

"Did you? What was it about?"

"Daddy took us away," Yoshi cried.

"You wouldn't let him take us, would you Aunt Jen?" Lia asked, her voice laced with fear.

"You're safe with us, we won't let him near you again." Jennie was careful not to promise they would be staying there indefinitely.

"Can I sleep with you?" Yoshi asked and Lia nodded beside him.

"Of course, you can," Jisoo spoke from behind Jennie.

Jennie watched a now fully dressed Jisoo walk into the room and lift Yoshi and Jisu, who had woken up with the other two. Jisoo shifted both boys in her arms and squatted down with her back to Lia.

"Jump on little one," Jisoo smiled with a wink towards Jennie. Once Lia was on her back, Jisoo stood up slowly. "Hold on tight, wouldn't want anyone to fall."

Jisoo left the room with the three kids looking like koalas as they hung off of her. Jennie chuckled and shook her head before she followed them back to her room.

This wasn't an uncommon routine over the last two weeks. Lia or Yoshi would wake from a nightmare and Jisoo would end up carrying all three kids back to their bedroom.

Jennie stood in the doorway as Jisoo positioned the three children in the middle of the bed and climbed in beside Jisu.

Smiling, Jennie walked towards the bathroom to change back into her pajamas. When she entered the bedroom again, she noticed that both boys had crawled half on top of Jisoo and were falling back asleep.

"Come snuggle Aunt Jennie," Lia said patting the bed next to her.

Jennie laid down and wrapped an arm around Lia. She felt the little girl's cast-covered arm wrap gently under her stomach. Lia shifted and kissed her belly softly.

"Goodnight babies, goodnight Aunt Jennie and Aunt Jisoo." Lia laid her head against Jennie's chest before she started to drift off to sleep.

Despite the presence of the children, Jennie's body was still thrumming with arousal. It has been two long weeks and this was the closest she had gotten to a release from her girlfriend.

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