Chapter 7 ~ my most precious~

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Luffy stood up once again, super early as always. Not caring If he woke anyone up or making a mess.

-Law Pov-

I myself has always wondered why he wake up so early. But each time I try to ask, all he says back is "don't worry"
I sneaked a peek through the window to see where he went.

A light embrased me as I turned my gaze towards the sky. It was bright and hot outside. No skies, no birds or sounds...
I noticed a shadow withim the bright sun that always shines with a sad color.

A figure as beautiful as the sun itself, making me feel slightly relieved. Luffy were sitting on top of the boats start and were staring at the wide colorfull ocean.

His eyes too were shining just as bright with his affection towards water.

The reason to his behavior now, is probably depression...
Luffy has always loved water, even If it might kill him some day
He never wished being unable to swin
The ocean was one of the biggest free places he loved...

Luffy: "hey Law"

Me: "yes?, something wrong?"

I could see his gaze turning to me, with a light look of sadness

Luffy: "why can't I swim"

Me: "because you might die"

Luffy: "..... Yeah"

Me: "......yeah"

Silence shrouded my thoughts as well as my vision
I felt a warm tear running down my shoulder, where Luffy was holding in to

Luffy: "hey Law"

Me:" hmm yeah?"

Luffy: "hold me"

Me:"your hand?" I said as I took his hand and placed it on my lap

Luffy: "no..." *blush* he said while laughin rly low

I saw him getting closer, and his hand were shaking

Me:"Are you perhaps a bit sick?"

Luffy:" for god sake...." He said while pulling my hand towards him and gave me a slightly warm kiss

I felt a light warm stain on my lips, a good feeling perhaps..

Me:" i see" i raised up and pulled him up with me

I made him tag along to my room


Me:"Yes?" I said while closing the door and sit down on my bed beside him

Luffy:" I Love you" he said as his face got bright red

And ofcourse so did mine

I looked at him clearly as he began taking off his clothes
Noticing he laid his hat at my sword
My sword is my most valued thing in the whole world, along with my jacket that hung beside the sword.

Luffy:" I love you Law, thats why I want you to believe me I do"

I understood immediatly why he did it, because everyone knew just how valuable and loved his hat was to him.

If I were to protect him or the hat, he would probably give up his own life for all its memories...
So that means his hat is as much worth as his life

That just means I got to watch over If with my life too.

THE END will work on other stories til my imagination comes back again~

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