Just a Dream

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My eyes fluttered shut early into the morning, the sun had not yet risen in the sky, but the night was slowly dwindling

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My eyes fluttered shut early into the morning, the sun had not yet risen in the sky, but the night was slowly dwindling. 

The moment that my consciousness began drifting off into oblivion I was once again in the forest, evergreens towering over me along the well beaten path from both sides. The night was eerily still, not a hoot of an owl or the whistle of the wind anywhere nearby. Just like with the night prior I attempted to walk forward but was glued in place by some invisible force. Memories from yesterday replayed and suddenly the same sound of galloping horses echoed through the night. Quicky the same two chestnut-colored horses came speeding down the dirt road, as did the voice of the old man. In the life-like dream everything played out exactly as it had before. My heartbeat raced as I stood frozen to the ground as the two equestrians threatened to trample over top of me, the man continuously called for me to move, like I wouldn't if I could. The only difference was the face that now belonged to the man of whose arms I was in. Upon his head was the same dark colored top hat, the same timely suit, and the same wavy brown hair. The only difference was the face that undeniably belonged to robin. 

Abruptly I woke in the late hours of the afternoon, my breath broken up into heaving gasps, my heart pounding uncontrollably from the all too realistic dream. Frantically, I looked around the room, a part of me expecting to see nature surrounding me, instead realization hit that I was still in the same room as I had been in when I fell asleep. The grey walls and never-ending bat decor scattered the one-bedroom apartment from all sides. 

Inhaling and exhaling deeply I was finally able to regain control over my shaky breathing. Despite the cool air in the room, I wiped a bead of sweat that threatened to fall from my forehead. 

I'm not sure why the reoccurring dream held such an effect over me. Maybe it was because I had never before dreamt about any other man. More than likely it was due to how real it all felt. Usually, I could control my dreams as it was after all, it was a figment of my imagination. That lack of control made me feel helpless, like I was trapped inside my own mind. That was what terrified me the most. 

"Just a dream." I whispered, pushing myself up from the couch, walking towards the cold coffee pot in the kitchen in hopes to put the whole thing behind me. Though not once did Robin's face leave my mind. 

Going to grab the milk out of the refrigerator, a small note on a pink sticky note caught my eye, taped to the front in Layla's familiar handwriting. 

Didn't wanna wake you but meeting with a client at 8a.m.

Having lunch with Jesse.

See you after. 

P.S. If you need a ride before that Harvey said to call him. He's just sleeping off his hangover. 

I discarded the note, quickly making my coffee, sighing when the warm liquid hit my lips. Again, the events from the night prior, the real-life events, replayed, and I smiled. Especially, once I saw the familiar light blue denim jacket from across the room on the unmade couch where I had been sleeping. I had almost forgot that I had it stuffed under the pillow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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