Faith in the Fortune

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"Are you sure you're alright?" Harvey asked me again, helping me out of the car. 

"I swear, I'm fine." I told them for what felt like the hundredth time. 

"You sure? I mean if you're not up for it we can go back to my place." Layla added. The last thing that I was going to let them do was miss the festival because of me. 

"I'm fine. If I'm not I swear I'll let you know." I promised.

We made our way to Bayview Park. All around there were food trucks, concession stands, vendors, and tents set along the square part of the open field. Usually this would be the place where baseball games were held, but the benches and bases had been moved away for the day's events. 

In the middle part of the field held the largest tent, where a local band had already set up playing a cover of a country tune. 

"Hopefully, they get some better music." I muttered as we walked into the sea of people already flooding in. 

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