The One That Got Away

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 ***Percy Beaumont***

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

 ***Percy Beaumont***

Juliette's P.O.V

Opening my eyes, I saw that I was lying in a ditch at the edge of the forest, just past where the asphalt met the dirt road. The stop sign was only a few feet away, the view of the town now in my horizon. 

With trembling hands and shaky feet, I got stood, grasping at the side of the bank where the road rose of the ground. I was covered head to toe in mud, dirt, and leaves. My hands were blisteringly cold, my clothes matted and wet. 

I looked around bewilderment as I scanned the surrounding area. There was no sign of the spirit wolf. No sign at all that I had wondered anywhere besides where I was now. 

"It was a dream?" My heart started to race at the clear images that popped into my head. It felt like a crystal-clear memory, not something as simple as a dream. How could my mind have concocted such an elaborate hoax? 

My muscles strained as I climbed out of the ditch, back onto the road. I looked at the trench with great confusion. "Did I fall into it somehow and hit my head?" I wondered. Was that the explanation for an event that seemed so impossible? I felt the back of my head which was a bit tender, but so was the rest of my body. 

With fear and confusion, I limped forward, finally finding my footing as I took a few steps forward. The only sound that snapped me back into reality was the roaring of a low engine speeding my way. 

I looked up, my limp now subsiding, to see a familiar black car pulling up next to me. I looked up as Harvey got out of his car, rushing over to me, a look of worry coating his face. I could only imagine what I looked like right now, with mud and leaves cakes to my clothes. I could just feel the branches and dirt matted into my hair. 

"Juliette. What happened?" He asked, coming over and steading me. What was I going to tell him when I didn't know what was fantasy from fact? Despite his lack of judgement, I knew that if I let it air what I thought happened that he would look at me like I needed to go away to the happy farm. To be honest that's exactly what I thought. 

He led me into his car, but I stopped him before he helped me into the passenger side seat. "I don't wanna get your seat wet." My voice was a mere whisper as I spoke. 

He looked at me as his brows furrowed. "You really think I care about that? Come on." He said as I sat down. After helping me buckle in he ran over to the driver's side of the care. He had never turned the engine off, so it was still running, but he didn't shift it out of gear. 

"What happened?" He asked, uneasiness in his eyes. The wolf, the water, the wind all flashed into my mind like an unstable hurricane. 

"I-I went for a walk and I-I guess I tripped and fell. I- don't really remember." I looked at my hands that were now snow white from the cold. He looked at me a moment too long, it was apparent that he didn't quite believe my explanation. Wordlessly, he turned the heater on, motioning for me to place my hands in front of the vent. 

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