Chapter Fourteen - Truth

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Dabi wasn't sure what to think when Kurogiri relayed Shigaraki's message to him and Twice.
Though, "What'd that bitch do to Crazy?" was his first thought. He tried to keep his wits about him as he watched Kurogiri dial Toga's number.

The phone rang once, twice, then thrice, yet no answer. Kurogiri left a message Dabi wasn't particularly interested in hearing, his mind spinning with anger and doubts into a hurricane capable of leveling the hero and her stupid school.

"Hey, she's alright, right?" Dabi found himself asking Kurogiri. The mist man wasn't caught off guard by the question, though Twice seemed to be. To the masked man, Dabi wasn't one to worry. Of course he cared, but he knew that Toga did fine on her own. Kurogiri had a different impression of Dabi, one of an older brother who doesn't seem to care, but still checks on you when you were out late.

"Yes. It seems the hero has angered her. Shigaraki didn't seem panicked about it, only slightly anxious." Kurogiri answered calmly. This was mostly for Twice, who, after seeing Dabi concerned, became all the more worried. The black haired man responded with a nod. He chose to not fuel the fire and begin a conversation about the hero.

"Well?! What are we waiting for? Let's go meet up with them! Toga'll be there, right?" Twice knew that she probably wouldn't be, but couldn't bite his tongue quick enough to avoid the question.

"She might not be, you know how hard it is to piss her off. She's probably taking some time off." Dabi attempted to shrug off his worry and leave it behind as the three of them entered the purple portal leading to the Greenfeild Port Warehouse.

- - - - -

Shigaraki hadn't said anything, nor had he moved since calling the other members of the League. Ochako tried to follow his example, but couldn't help but fidget with her hands as the ever mounting feeling of dread caught up to her. At first, she'd been moving quick enough to outpace the worry, but now she was still. She wasn't busy answering a question, or remembering something for later, not even walking behind someone. Now, all of her thoughts revolved around Toga and how badly everything here would end.

It was a feeling, not based on evidence, though it definitely could've been. Nothing would go well long term. She might be spared for now, but eventually she'd outlive her use to the villains...

A purple portal shot open a few feet away from the table, startling Ochako. Shigaraki didn't seem startled by the sudden appearance, more relieved than anything. Ochako supposed he would be happy the rest of the League was here for backup.

Twice stepped through first, looking around anxiously. He turned back to the portal and shook his head. He lingered in the entrance, and Ochako was unsure of why, though she had her suspicions. Namely Toga. Dabi tried to come through next, but had to bump Twice forward.

"Hey, she's fine. You know that. Stop worrying so damn much. It's annoying." Dabi took a seat beside Shigaraki, and Twice soon followed behind him, taking a seat on the man's other side.

Kurogiri came through last, and with a slight wave, dispelled the portal behind him. The hero couldn't tell what he was thinking, with the mist removing any chance to read his expression. Ochako assumed he was worried about Toga too, she got that vibe from him. At the very least, it was clear to her that the other two were concerned about the blonde and her whereabouts.

"Okay, we're all here. Except Toga. She's coming right? Are we starting without her?" Twice seemed more nervous than Ochako was about this, and she wondered if it was an act. Did they really care about each other that much?

In a strange turn of events, it appeared that the villains were more loyal to their own then the heroes were. Ochako wasn't sure if they even noticed she was gone yet, and she might be seen as MIA or even presumed dead based on her mission alone.

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