Chapter Four - Meeting

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"But if you're trying to hit me, we can't talk."

"Talk about what?" Ochako hesitantly asked the villain who'd taken her down. There wasn't much the gravity hero could do from her position. The villain must've known about her quirk, because they didn't let Ochako's hands touch whatsoever.

The villain was nimble, Ochako hardly saw them, but knew they weren't hit. She didn't feel her punch connect with anything, unless you counted air. When they'd told her they just wanted to talk, Ochako wasn't quite sure how to respond. Was this really peaceful?

"About you!" The villain said, moving around so Ochako could see their face. Her sideways position caused her blonde hair to cover one cat-like yellow eye. When she smiled small fangs, hardly noticeable ones, poked out.

It was Himiko Toga. The villain she'd been warned of, the one who could've possibly killed hundreds. Was Ochako going to help her reach her goal of a million?! She steadied her breathing as best she could with a member of the League kneeling on her back.

What should she say? It would be weird to suddenly blurt something about the League. It would seem planned. But the League was infamous, as was Toga, so Ochako could definitely know of them. But Toga called her a hero, so she must've seen her coming from or going into U.A. Did that mean Toga was the one watching her?

"So, why's one of U.A's little hero-in-trainings wandering around and asking about the League of Villains for? You aren't a pro." Toga said. She didn't seem angry, more curious, like she genuinely wanted to know.

It wasn't looking good for Ochako. She was panicked, sleep deprived, and wasn't sure what the answer that kept her from dying was going to be.

"I'm not with U.A."

Wait. Damn it, if Ochako was right, then it was Toga watching her. She'd know it's a lie. Or, it could help make Toga think Ochako was a traitor.

"I saw you go in and out, I helped too." Toga said, looking confused.

Ochako was slightly confused too. What did "I helped too" mean? No one helped her with anything recently. "I'm going to U.A, but I'm not with U.A." The gravity hero said, silently hoping for a good reaction.

Toga's grip on her tightened. Did she know something was up? "Mhm.. doesn't that make you a traitor?" The villain asked. Before either could say another word, Toga's phone chimed once. She sighed. "Shiggy wants me back home. I'll see you tomorrow, little hero." Toga said before standing up and walking off.

Ochako sat up and watched as the villain disappeared into the night. The gravity hero debated following after her, but decided that walking into the League's house without welcome was a sure-fire way to get herself killed. Beside, Toga was already gone, having ducked into the woods that framed the park.

"See you tomorrow?" Ochako mumbled as she stood up. The pros did say Toga was the most likely scouter. Did that mean that Ochako was being tested for a place in the League? Right off the bat? Probably not. But if she could earn Toga's trust, then maybe she'd have a chance.

- - - - -

Ochako decided to go back to U.A early that night. The whole Toga debacle took half an hour, plus the fifteen minute walk from the park to the school. She got back at 10:20pm, with nothing but the blonde villain on her mind.

Almost getting caught twice by security guards, Ochako finally made it back into her dorm room. She'd really have to practice that. If she was caught, she'd have a hell of a time talking her way out of it. But that would come later, now, she needed sleep.

By 1:26am, Ochako decided to give up on sleeping. She'd been tossing and turning for almost three hours, and still was unable to get her close encounter with Toga off her mind. She wasn't scared, per say, if Toga hadn't said she wanted to talk, Ochako probably would've found a way out of the situation. Though in all actuality? If Toga hadn't wanted to talk to her, the blonde villain would've never been around her to begin with.

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