2.12 - It

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The ringing is so loud. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make. It. Stop. Make! It! Stop! MAKE IT STOP!!!

Once the ringing stopped, I looked over and saw it. It.

It started taunting Mike, "Did it work, Mikey? Did it work? Of tell them why your silly little ritual didn't work. Tell them it's all just a... What's the word, Eds? Gazeebo?"

Eddie gasps, "Mike, what's he talking about?"

"M-m-m-Mikey?" Bill stutters.

"Oh, Mikey, you never showed them the fourth side, did you?" It continued to taunt.

"I fucking knew it Mike." I hissed.

"Didn't want them to know what actually happened to the poor Shokopiwah?" It began to repeat 'yum' for a little.

"Fuck Mikey! You lied to us again?" Bill yells.

"No, but they didn't believe. They didn't believe they could kill It! That's why it didn't work back then!" Mike stammers.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Mike?" Richie yells.

"We hurt him." Mike argues.

"You said one of us doesn't make it out, what the fuck? It was a trap?" I panic.

"Fuck!" Richie yells.

"Fuck you, Mikey!" Bill shouts.

"I needed something, anything, for us to remember. Anything for us to believe." Mike says.

"Fuck!" Richie yells as Bill yells out, "Dammit!"

It laughs and the blinding light is back, the deadlights.

"The deadlights! Don't look at them!" Beverly yells.

I peak my eyes open at it, starting talking, "For twenty-seven years, I've drempt of you. I craved you. Oh, I've missed you!"

"Mike, move back!" Bill shouts as he pushes us all back. We all shout for Mike to move back as it speaks.

"Waiting for this very moment."

"Mikey! You gotta move, Mikey!" Bill yells.

"MICHEAL!" I shout.

Mike continuously says that he's sorry as it moves closer.

Bill jumps forward and moves Mike out of the way of its claw. We run away as It chases us. It pounds against the rocks and spikes, almost drunkenly.

We keep running and running, stuck in an endless cycle of running. It smashes into the spikes, and that slows it down just enough.

I see an opening, and I jump into the small hole, away from the others and it.

I hear the others yelling and screaming. I watch it thrash about and bump into the wall above my little hole.

Rocks fall down, covering my exit. I'm stuck in here, I can slightly see it smash the ground, making everyone go flying. I try to pry at the rocks, but I'm not strong enough.

It hits the floor again as everyone else hides. The room shakes, and it laughs loudly. More rocks fall, making my space even smaller.

A smaller rock hits my face and spews water out. My little hole it filling up with water fast. I try to plug the hole, but the water's force is too strong.

The rocks at the entrance are slightly moved out of the way, enough for a small person. Maybe I can fit, but it's so small.

I fall to the floor and crawl to the small opening. I push the rock so it moves a bit farther out.

Trashmouth's Lover Boy | Richie Tozier x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now