Chapter Eight

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  It was another early start for the volunteers helping put together everything remaining for the shelter. Someone had brought fresh coffee in a carafe, which was left on the window counter of the kitchen, along with breakfast muffins that had also been brought. The muffins were nearly gone by the time Sophie arrived with Helpy. She luckily managed to snag the last one in the tupperware container right after Helpy got handed the clipboard from Fritz.

"These are so good...!" Sophie quite commented, relishing the delicious, home baked muffin. Before also pouring herself some coffee in a cardboard cup, Sophie presented the muffin to Helpy. "Want some? I didn't actually bite into it, yet." The bear looked at the offered muffin, though shook his head 'no' and smiled politely. "Alright, suit yourself."

Continuing about getting herself coffee for a bit of morning fuel, Sophie could see Helpy's satisfied expression as he looked over the contents of the clipboard in his paws. "So, what all got done yesterday?" She wondered—while putting a lid on her cup. In reply, Helpy simply handed over the clipboard. Sophie took it, and began reading the contents of the clipped papers and notes.

Taking a slow sip of her coffee, Sophie nodded. "Great. Looks like that leaves us with just furnishing the rooms upstairs." She stated. Helpy gave her a thumbs up in confirmation. She gave him back the clipboard, and lent him a hand up to her shoulder again. "This really is coming along good."

"Yes, it truly is," Another person agreed. Sophie turned to see Toriel exiting the kitchen with a list of her own in her hands, along with a pen. "Good morning, Sophie." The kind monster greeted her. "Hey, I'm not here too late, am I?" Toriel shook her head 'no'. "You are here just on time."

"Good," Sophie hummed. "Is there anything more to do in the kitchen, or...?" Toriel likely knew why Sophie was asking this, of course. "No, everything is in order and arranged." She assured her. "I was simply taking note of where any food is going to be stored, that way, we can know what the limit is for storage capacity." Toriel explained, even going to show her list to Sophie.

"Asgore and myself are seeing that there is enough of a proper system in place to ensure food donations are handled accordingly." She also added. Returning to the dining hall for some more coffee, and a minute's break, Fritz and Gus remained politely quiet while Toriel spoke to Sophie. "It is certainly one thing for us to receive generous donations for such a place as this, however it is another when it comes to organizing it all properly." Sophie nodded. "I can definitely tell," She commented, smirking. "But, that sounds great. Thank you, Toriel."

"It is a pleasure, Sophie." Toriel answered, a warm and kind smile about her expression. "And with how everything is going now, I believe all will be in order for the opening day of this shelter." Sophie returned the smile, glad to hear this.

"Y'know," Fritz chimed in, as he poured coffee into his cup again. "I was just thinking about something yesterday, about the opening day." Toriel, Sophie and Helpy turned their attention to the fox and bear duo. "It isn't going to be problematic at all if we have the official opening day with no new Anthros to host, will it...?"

Sophie paused. Her brow knit together as she thought of that. "No, of course it wont," Toriel assured him. "Though, you mustn't say there won't be any Anthros finding their way here within the days before we open. You never can know." Fritz shrugged, taking a drink of his coffee. "Good point." He agreed.

"Ah, funny enough, that does remind me," Sophie suddenly realized. "Last night, I put in an order for little info pamphlets of this place." Gus was intrigued by this. "Cool! Did you design them?" Sophie half shook her head 'no'. "Not technically? They can still be changed, and I didn't order that many... maybe about two dozen? It's just a simple pamphlet, something to give out before opening." She explained further.

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