Chapter 53: Pre-Asian Games Training Camp & Intra-team Test Races

Start from the beginning

In addition to the athletes, there were four assistant coaches ready on the training field to assist athletes with exercises that required additional support or observation. As the head coach, Su Bai, and the assistant coach, Wang Ting, stood at the sidelines observing the athletes' training and technical movements to ensure they met the standards set in the training plan.

Furthermore, the athletes' training plan included targeted technical adjustment sessions. During these sessions, the head coach needed to monitor and guide the athletes one-on-one to ensure they achieved the desired technical adjustments.

Seeing the athletes working hard on the training field, Wang Ting felt quite moved. He turned to Su Bai and said in a low voice, "Coach Su, your plan, even if we don't consider the long term, is already causing these athletes to train with more dedication."

It's not that these athletes slacked off during past training sessions, but Wang Ting could still sense the difference in their training attitude and enthusiasm now. The athletes on the training field seemed to be holding back their determination, wanting to use training to make real progress and once again prove their abilities.

Su Bai was quite satisfied with the current training status of the athletes.

In the days leading up to the official execution of the training plan, he had activated the "Coach's Tracking Training Mode" around the clock. Moreover, with his coach level having advanced to intermediate, the training buff provided by this tracking mode had increased significantly compared to before.

Besides that, among these athletes, he had initially chosen Zhang Ziyi and Li Junhao. He had spent a total of 480 reputation points to bind to their dynamic physical state analysis.

However, during the initial adaptive training days, the data for Zhang Ziyi and Li Junhao directly reflected that they were not in the best condition. Especially Li Junhao, he clearly didn't intend to take the non-plan training contents seriously.

Today was different, Zhang Ziyi's focus and commitment were obvious, and Li Junhao's concentration during today's training was also extremely high. Regardless of which training content from the plan, even if he had a disgruntled expression on his face, he still fully completed all the exercises.

Seeing this, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, although Qiu Wen didn't notice anything different, Su Bai's training plan for the athletes was now distinct from before.

After officially being promoted to intermediate coach status, in addition to the enhanced effect of the "Coach's Tracking Mode," Su Bai also gained a new ability called "Attribute Enhancement."

Attribute enhancement didn't mean randomly increasing the athletes' attributes; rather, as a coach, Su Bai could, after observing the athletes' individual attribute deficiencies, design new specialized training plans for them. If the training plans he designed for the athletes were deemed effective by the system, after a reasonable training period, the athletes' foundational attributes or abilities could be improved.

In Su Bai's view, this so-called "Attribute Enhancement" was similar to the regular training plans' categories such as "Strength Training" or "Endurance Training." However, with the assistance of the system, Su Bai's plan formulation could be more detailed and ensure that as long as the athletes completed the exercises as required by the training plan, they would achieve the intended training goals.

Since discovering this, Su Bai had been working diligently to design additional specialized training content for the seven 400-meter athletes of the national team, including Cui Luoheng. He hoped to not only help them tap into their original potential but also enhance certain specific attributes through focused training.

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