31. The Nightmare Begins (Part I)

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"You must trust me."


Merlin and Colette sat while Gaius made a potion.

"Lettie and I were helping clear up Morgana's chambers earlier," Merlin said.

"Hmm?" Gaius hummed.

"The window was blown out into the courtyard below."


"It's odd isn't it?" Colette said. "If lightning struck the window like Arthur said, you'd think the glass would've fallen inside of the window. It was magic. You know it was. More importantly, so does she."

"Morgana knows nothing for certain."

"Which makes it even worse. She isn't sure what's happening to her and it's tearing her apart."

"What would you and your brother have me do?"

"Talk to her," Merlin suggested. "Tell her she'll be okay. Tell her that her powers aren't something to be afraid of."

"I can't."

"Maybe Lettie and I could speak to her."

"No, Merlin, Colette, you can't."

"What not? We understand what she's going through."

"You must never reveal your secret. Not to anyone."

"If not me or her, then someone else."

"Who? This is a kingdom where magic is outlawed, or have you forgotten that?"

"There are those who still practise it," Colette said. "What about the druids? You said that they help people like this."

"Uther's vowed to destroy them. The druids cannot help her. It would be suicide."

"Then who can?"

"I will. Like I've always done."

"Then you need to be honest with her."

"What makes you two so certain that you know better than me?"

"Because Merlin and I went through the same thing. We know exactly how she's feeling right now."

"You two cannot get involved in this. No good can come of it. I mean it, Merlin, Colette. Stay out of it!"


Arthur and Anne passed Merlin and Colette just as Merlin and Colette were about to visit Morgana's Chambers. Merlin hid flowers behind his back.

"Ah, Merlin. Colette," Arthur called. "Anne and I need you to... What are you hiding behind your back?"

"Nothing," Merlin said, still hiding the flowers. "See?"

"What are you up to?" Anne asked.

"What, nothing, honestly. Arthur, Anne, I would never lie to you. I respect you far too much for that. You wanted me to do something."

"My chainmail needs cleaning."

"My dresses need washing," Anne said.

"Oh, well... Lettie and I'll see to it right away," Merlin replied and Colette nodded.


Gwen opened the door to Morgana's Chambers.

"How is she?" Merlin and Colette asked.

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