Chapter Eighteen

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Xavier softly kissed Wednesday's cheek.

"Goodnight Baby. I love you." He smiled softly at her and began to shut his bedroom door.

She stop him. "Whoa, whoa whoa. Just a kiss on the cheek? I'm not your cousin, you can do better than that!" 

He chuckled and softly kissed her mouth. She smiled softly against his lips and leaned onto him. 

"You wanna sleep in here, don't you?" He laughed as she began inching her way inside. 

"You know it!" She cried, tossing herself onto the bed. 

He shook his head and chuckled. "You really are something else."

She scowled at him and made grabby motions with her arms, motioning for him to come to her. 

"Yeah yeah, I'm here." He said, rolling his eyes and wrapping her in his arms. She nodded and closed her eyes. 

"I'm tired." 

"Then sleep."

"I trying, but your knee is digging into my thigh." She hissed at him.

"I love your thighs." He said with a wink.

"You're disgusting."

"You didn't think that when I was eating you out this morning."

"Well I think it now. Go to sleep." 

He nodded and fell silent. 

"Wednesday, your hair is tickling me."

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." She growled, moving her hair to her shoulder. 


"I can be ruder." 

"I have no doubt that that statement is 100% correct."

"Xavier. If you keep talking I'll just leave."

"You're the one who wanted to sleep in here anyways." He grumbled into the back of her head. 

"Fine, then I'll just leave."

"No thanks."

"You can't just 'No thanks' me whenever I do something you don't like, Xavier." 

"I just did."

"Go to bed."


"WAKE UPPPPPPPP!!!" Xavier cried, prodding Wednesday cheek. She groaned and slapped her hand away. 

"No, don't you start this morning." She threatened. 

"Wanna take a shower?"

"Not right this moment, no."

"Fine, I'll just do it myself then."

"OR you could wait literally ten minutes for me to get up."

"Sure thing, princess." He said with a wink. 


"Xavier, this shower is way to small." Wednesday complained. She was sitting on the floor, pouting because the water was missing her.

"You're just saying that because you're not in the water." He pointed out, rinsing his hair.

"If the shower was big enough, we could BOTH be in the water." She grumbled. 

"Sorry love, you'll have to wait. 


"I made you pancakes." Xavier said proudly, showing her a plate of small pancakes.

"Correction: you tossed some frozen pancakes into the microwave for a minute."

"45 seconds actually." 

"Congrats." She said calmly, taking a bite of one. "You should have done a minute, like I said. These are cold in the middle."

He mumbled some curse words and went the put them in for another 15 seconds. 



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