Chapter Twenty

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Trigger Warning: "Ur mom" joke because those can be traumatizing


Wednesday and Xavier got up, having finished the movie they had been watching. 

"You wanna sleep in my room tonight?" Xavier asked her lightly as he cleaned up the bowls from the popcorn. 

She mumbled a sleepy "Yes please." before shutting the TV off. 

He walked over and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head. "You wanna go to bed now? You look really tired." 

She nodded and began walking down the hallways towards Xavier's bedroom. 

Xavier followed her, making sure to be quiet because Enid was asleep. 

She opened the door quietly and mumbled to Xavier to close it behind him. He nodded and shut the door, before crawling into bed next to Wednesday.


Xavier felt Wednesday shift next to him. She was definitely awake, as she was always still as a statue in her sleep. 

"Baby?" He mumbled softly, curious as to why she was awake at...he checked the clock...2 in the morning. 

"Mhm?" She mumbled back. 

"Why are you awake?" He asked her softly, sitting up and leaning over to brush her bangs out of her face. She scrunched her nose up as his hand made contact with her skin and Xavier chuckled.

"I'm TRYING to sleep, but someone keeps taking all the BLANKET!" She hissed, yanking back the comforter on the word 'blanket'.

"Go to sleep, asshole." He grumbled at her. 

She scowled and moved away. 

"We should get married." Xavier said suddenly, staring up at the ceiling. 

"Yup, you've officially lost it." Wednesday groaned, running a hand through her bangs.

"I know. But hear me out." He told her, sitting up and watching as she did the same. 

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. 

"So like, uhm, I love you?" 

She snorted. "I think I'm going back to sleep."

"No!" He said, grabbing her shoulders. "I love you, and I'm assuming that you love me too-"

"That's a bold accusation."

"Mhm, sure it is. But as I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me was that, Nes, I don't want you to leave. Or maybe I do, but I'll come with. What I'm trying to say is I don't want to separate from you...again."

Her eyes softened. "I know honey." She mumbled softly, as she picked at her thumb nail. "But one of us would have to move, and that's such a big switch. Even for me." She sighed. "Xav, I love you. But the idea of marriage, or even moving in together seems like a really big decision. I already live with Enid and Ajax, and I literally live there free. I couldn't just march you in there and demand more space, that's totally ridiculous!" She took his face into her hands. (Squeal) "Xavier, I love you so, so much, but marriage seems like way to much stress. And that's not good for either of us."

Xavier took her hand into his and kissed it before looking at her softly. "I know it's stressful baby, but any big step is! People get married all the time! And honey, I love you and you're the one I want that with. But if you don't like the idea then...that's fine and I respect your decision." He gave her a sad smile and kissed her cheek before settling back into bed and closing his eyes. Wednesday, however, didn't move at all and remained sitting up. 

"Xavier, wait." 

"Nes, I'm really tired-"

"Yes. Yes, I'll marry you." 

"Is this some sort of pitying response or-"

"Shut up Xavier. I love you and I understand your point of view completely." She sighed. "It really is early though, so we won't have anything major happening any time soon, but in the future Xavier, of course I'll marry you. You're the one I want that with too."

"Really?" He asked her softly, eyes wide.

"Yeah." She smiled, kissing his forehead before collapsing on her side of the bed. "I mean, we would have to work out where we would live, and everything important but Xavier...I love you."

"I love you too baby."


Ur mom.

theres the trigger warninggggg

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