Chapter Three

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Xavier sat at his kitchen table, sipping a cup of bitter coffee while reading the local newspaper.

He was basically a 50 year old in a 24 year old's body.

He finished the comic page (His personal favorite part) and tossed the paper to the side. He stood up from the wooden table and walked over to the sink, pouring the extra coffee out and moving to plug his phone in.

He needed it for work this week.

It had been dead for almost a month at this point, Xavier having literally no reason to use it. 

As the phone booted up, he saw a message from almost 5 days ago.

Which was weird, because no one really had his number, and those who did never talked to him. He really hoped it wasn't anything important. 

He opened the message and read the number. It wasn't a Maryland number, which was weird to begin with since everyone who had his number lived near him. It wasn't saved into his phone, and there was no previous interactions between this number and his.

The thing that shocked Xavier the most was this wasn't a wrong number.

Hello? Is this Xavier Thorpe?

Xavier thought about responding. What if it was some sort of prank? He'd fall directly into the trap and then look like a fool. He sighed and set the phone down.

If he truly did know this person, then who could it possibly be? It wasn't his father, he already had his number blocked, and even if he got a new number, he surely wouldn't message his son, right? If it was someone who DID live around he and just had an old number, then alright.

But that was unlikely, he only really hung out with the neighborhood children. 

He picked his phone back up and sighed as he re-read the simple message.

Was he really this boring?

No one messaged him, so little people that he was, in fact, skeptical when someone DID message him.

He quickly tapped on the bar to begin typing.

What should he even respond to that.

This is he?


No, sorry. Wrong number?

But he couldn't blow them off like that now. He was curious. 

Yes, who is this?

Xavier locked his phone and set it down, not expecting a fast answer.


He grunted at the noise and re-opened his phone.

you'll see soon enough <333

(Make your guess' now folks!)

Well fuck.

Uhm, what do you mean by that?

I'm in Maryland, and we are meeting at the cafe in the shopping center <333

Uhm, since when?

since now. Tomorrow at 12:30. Be. There.

Xavier was disappointed in himself. He had just accepted to go out with an absolute stranger, who sent hearts with every message.

He had really fucked up this time. 

And he kind of wanted to go.


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