Chapter Seven

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Unknown: Who is this?

Xavier had not been expecting them to answer, not after having waited over 2 weeks, and the ding on his phone had been assumed to be Enid. 

Xavier: I asked you first, if I recall.

Unknown: Smart answer.

Xavier wasn't sure what exactly he was supposed to say to that, so he put his phone down and decided to go for a run.

Xavier used to go for runs everyday in high school, it became  a daily habit, and he deeply enjoyed the feeling of going wherever he wanted.

As he exited his house, jacket-clad and shivering, he ran down the mountain. It wasn't a tall mountain by any means, and only took him about 15 minutes running to reach the bottom and be in the local shopping center. 

He started to walk, looking through the windows of all the small mom and pop shops. He truly enjoyed this small community. 

He seemed to have everything he deemed necessary right at his fingertips. 

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he fished it out, pulling out the phone and staring at the screen.

Unknown: Do you plan on revealing yourself or should I block your number?

Xavier groaned. He wanted to text and ask Enid who it was, but last time her asked her she had told him "Figure it out yourself.".  

Xavier: If anyone is blocking anyone, I'm blocking you.

Unknown: Where did you get my number?

Xavier: I have a friend who recently came to visit me, she gave me your number with no explanation. I asked her, she gave me no answer. Assuming this number is important, I would like to know who it belongs to.

Unknown: You are very persistent. I admire that. You said you have a friend. May I ask who that friend is?

Xavier: Tell me who you are and I'll tell you everything you need to know.

Unknown: That won't be necessary.

Xavier: Ahh, but it is?

The Unknown Number, as Xavier had dubbed them, refused to message him anymore that day, but he could see them reading his messages.

He went on with his day, stopping at a small shop for dinner at around 6:30 when his phone buzzed. His hopes that the Unknown Number had responded rocketed.

Enid: How you doing Xay?

He groaned and typed a quick "Ok, out to dinner rn." before locking his phone. 

The thoughts of the Unknown Number clouded his head as he lay in bed that night, repeating the short messages he had been gifted in his head. 

He didn't know who it was. Ajax had always been safe about not revealing his identity, but his grammar was absolute shit. It could be Bianca, but he knew he last four digits, and those were not the ones texting him. 

"Wednesday" crossed his mind, but he knew she didn't like technology, and wouldn't use a phone. The only reason she had ever owned one had been him. So the thought of her using a phone was low. 

And he hated her, didn't want her to be the messenger. 

At exactly 3:00 am Xavier was awoken by a loud DING along with a vibration. 

Unknown: I have to know who this is, or I will call the police.

Well, Xavier. He couldn't have that, could he? But he wasn't ready to give up on this Unknown Number. 

Xavier: Listen, I pose no threat. I truly just want to know who I'm talking to. I didn't find your number online or in a bathroom stall or anywhere weird. I swear, my friend Enid gave it to me.

Shit, he didn't realize till he sent it that he had included Enid's name. But that was fine, right? She'd given him the number anyways.

Unknown: You know Enid?

Xavier: I've known her since high school, yeah? Why, you know her too?"

Unknown: Yes...Yes I do. This wouldn't happen to be Xavier Thorpe by any chance, would it?

Xavier: Yes, actually. How'd you know?

Unknown: Xavier...This is Wednesday Addams. 


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