Chapter Sixty-Nine

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        Alone, I happily munched my way through my cupcake, not caring that I probably had frosting on my chin. After all, it's my last week being the stuffy soulmate of an Answell. I might as well not care at this point.

        "Hi, Jackie," a soft voice said. Ah, darn, the frosting wasn't warding off evil rich folk. Except I didn't mind when Gracelynn sat down next to me. She looked beautiful, as always, dressed in sky blue and her hair pulled back into a high bun. 

        "Gracelynn," I said, not-so-discreetly wiping my mouth. "How are you?"

        "Oh, I'm great. How about you, excited for the wedding?" she said in her sweet, airy voice.

        I decided to be honest. "A little nervous. Well, more than a little," I confessed.

        She smiled in understanding. "I know. Trust me, once it's over, you will be ecstatic. You just have to make it through the day. Even then, you'll have moments where it's wonderful."

        "Did you?" I asked, then bit my tongue. "Sorry, I shouldn't—"

        "No, no, I don't mind," Gracelynn said. "Yes, my wedding was perfect, down to the weave pattern in the tablecloths, but I did enjoy it, too. Lord Seymour has been absolutely magical. It's been lovely getting to know him."

        Even in her twisted marriage, it had worked out. That calmed me slightly. Swallowing, I said, "I'm really sorry."

        "For what?" she asked, frowning. 

        "For taking Grayson," I said, drowning in the guilt. "You knew him forever; you should've had the opportunity to marry him." It was extra hard knowing that I had swiped him away without even knowing him.

        She smiled and reached over, squeezing my hand. "Please, Jackie, don't apologize. It's all worked out splendidly. I have Lord Seymour, who is the man of my dreams, and you have Grayson, who cares for you a million times more than he could ever care for me."

        I wavered. "Weren't you two..." 

        "What, childhood loves?" Gracelynn asked, slightly laughing. "No. It was implied, maybe so much so that we sometimes thought it true ourselves, but never loves. Never even crushes. I think we always knew we would get married, so we just resigned ourselves to our fate. That is, until you came along."

        That made me feel a tiny bit better. Then, choosing my words carefully, I hesitated and said, "You think he really cares for me?"

        She was mildly shocked. "Of course; he married you under such romantic conditions!"

        "Yes, but..." I struggled not to give away the entire story. "I mean, does it really look like it?"

        "Jackie, I grew up with him. I've known him for more than twenty years, yet I've never seen someone so utterly committed to love. I promise, he loves you more than anything, but if you're rethinking the wedding..." she said in concern.

        "Gosh, no," I said hastily, realizing I should've been more careful with my questions. "I guess I'm just in a fluttery, romantic mood, considering the wedding's in a couple days."

        Gracelynn didn't look a hundred percent convinced, but nodded and said, "Trust me, Jackie, he's amazing. You guys are perfect for each other. I know sometimes the pressure can be a lot, but it'll all be worth it."

        For some reason, I felt like she had read right through me and knew every little detail of Grayson's and my relationship. I tried not to be uncomfortable, but being told you and the person you're divorcing in a couple weeks are perfect together is kind of hard to unhear. Smiling, I said, "Thank you, Gracelynn, that means so much to me."

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