"get me a towel it's dripping out" i said looking at my core. Yoongi ran to the bathroom bringing back a warm towel.

"so i was thinking would you go on a date with me" he asked while cleaning me up.

"yoongi i told you no feelings involved i still love Chae" i said rolling my eyes.

"But listen mina, we have great sex literally the best sex i've ever had so why not just take things to the next level" he painfully questioned.

"because i love chae" i said bluntly.

"if you really loved her you wouldn't be getting dick from me three times a week" he muttered bitterly.

"where is this coming from we agreed nothing would happen sex only just sex, your words"

"you're a crazy bitch" he said


"you really think chae still loves you" he laughed "mina it's been five fucking years, she left you five years ago move on, what makes you think she hasn't moved on" he yelled.

"get out"

"i'm sorry mina i just-" he started


"Fine" he said getting dressed "call me when you need more dick cause you know that's all i'm good for" he said slamming the door on his way out.

Crying i got dressed, i cried not because i was hurt but because i knew he was right. It been five years, just because i couldn't get over Chae doesn't mean she couldn't get over me. I cried myself to sleep ignoring yoongi's messages.

Chaeyoung's Pov

The crowd cheered as i finished the song. Me and the band bowed, "thank you for having us tonight" i yelled into the mic. Cleaning up our equipment Kazuha walked up to me giving me a hug.

"We were amazing babe" she kissed me. Kazuha was our main guitarist and my girlfriend. I was the lead singer along with Daniel. Dongkyu was our main drummer and Soonjog was our bass player. This was my life now, traveling around Japan with my band performing for crowds. Our band was called Calla, we were famous in Japan. Promoting our band we scored music deals but decided to stay to ourselves after reading the contracts they weren't fair.

I was able to put Minji and Yunjin in a nice house and private school. My mom was realeased from active duty 2 years after moving to Japan. We all agreed to just live our lives here instead of going back to korea. Going back there would be painful, i missed Mina everyday. I thought being with Kazuha would take the pain away but i think about Mina everyday. Don't get me wrong i love kazuha but mina was my first love and will always be my first love there's no changing that.

Driving back to Our apartment we celebrated another amazing pay. That performance brang in enough money for the next 5 months.

"Babe i have to start packing, i leave in 6 hours" i whined as Kazuha kissed on my neck. "please baby i won't see you for 3 weeks what am i going to do" she cried.

"okay but just a quickie, i need to pack" i said lifting her up and throwing her on the bed, our lips never leaving.

After both of us becoming undone we laid next to each other panting. I turned and cuddled her, kissing her shoulder as she spoke. "I'm really going to miss you" she turned to me.

"im going to miss you too" i said taking her into a kiss. We've been together for a year, never once being away from each other. This would be the longest period of time we've been apart. We both trusted each other enough to be secure with our relationship, but a part of me didn't know what would happen once i see mina.

It's been five years but my feeling never left, they just lingered in the back of my mind. I'm scared when i see mina again they will force themselves back into my mind. "It'll be okay i'll be back before you know it" i rubbed her back.

Getting up and getting dressed i packed everything i needed, with the help of Kazuha. Throwing on sweat pants and a hoodie i packed the car.

Kazuha drove me to the airport, pulling out my phone i texted Jihyo that i would be boarding soon and decided to take a nap.

"Babe we are here" kazuha shook me awake. Taking my bags i stood there and hugged Kazhua for a while. "Tell the guys i love them and i'll see them soon" i laughed kissing her.

"Text me as soon as you land" she said, i kissed her one more time. "Text me when you get home" i said walking into the airport.

The flight was only two hours. After landing i took my bags and called Kazuha. "Hey baby i just landed"

"hi baby" she said sounding sleepy

"ops im sorry i'll let you go back to sleep" i said chuckling.

"it's okay i love you i'll call you tomorrow" she said drifting back to sleep.

"i love you too"

Arriving at the hotel it looks expensive. Tzuyu and Jihyo rented out the entire hotel for us. Seeing jihyo, she ran up to me and gave me a huge hug.

"holy shit you look so different you even got taller" she cried. "damn you did change, i know it's been 5 years but damn" Tzuyu said walking behind jihyo.

"what happened to hello, how are you, my name is?" i joked taking them both into a hug. "Where is everyone" i asked.

"Sana and Dahyun are here, Jeongyeon and Nayeon are driving here and Mina is arriving tomorrow" she said. Hearing her name made my stomach drop, and face turn pale.

"Are you okay" Jihyo rubbed my back " you look like you're going to barf".

"Yeah i'm okay, show me where my room is"

Exiting the third floor elevator i ran into Sana and Dahyun.

"OMG" sana squealed and ran into my arms. "Look at you" dahyun gawked "blonde" she asked grabbing my hair.

I still had my wolf cut, i dyed it blonde with black streaks. It matches my bands vibe so i agreed to it and i think i look good.

"Yeah it matches my bands vibe" i smiled

"you look good" they both said " we are heading down to dinner you want us to wait for you"

"no go ahead i'm going to unpack, i'll be down in a few" i said heading inside my room.

Jumping on the bed i fell asleep.

A/N: Hello 👋🏽

i don't really have much to say, but the song daddy issues matches yoongi so much. It just gives off yoongi vibes. Next chapter will be interesting. Chaes bang is like wave to earth, they have the same calming vibe!

If you read my story i just want to say how much i appreciate you, Thank you so much for reading this far if you have. I hope the ending of this story will have you thinking for a while. No spoilers 🤭

Thank you for reading please take care of yourself, eat well, drink water, rest good.
I love you 🤍

Darkest Days. -(Michaeng) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora