Chapter Three.

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Chapter song: seasons- wave to earth

"Can i have aux" she asked

I looked at her for a second, a big smile plastered across her face dimples present.

"ok" i said clicking the bluetooth button on my touchscreen and disconnecting my phone.
She stared at me blankly "what do i do" she asked frowning.

i just stared at her, it's 2023 how does she not know what bluetooth was.

"do you not know what bluetooth is" i asked with a annoyed tone

"i know what bluetooth is smart ass, i just don't know how to connect" she said handing me her phone our hands briefly brushing against each other, i blushed a little.

"go to your settings turn on the bluetooth, click *minas mercedes* and it's connected" i said showing her what to do.

"mina's mercedes?" she asked with her eyebrow raised in a amused tone.

"what else would i name it"

"i don't know maybe, my car or something like that"

"i don't care enough" i said stalely

I took off my sweater before driving, and threw it in the back. I was wearing a white crop top under it, i felt her eyes on me as i pulled off.

"what?" i asked

"who's maur maur" she giggled

i slammed on the breaks a little making her fly forward.

"mind your business and put your seat belt on" i said visibly annoyed now.

She played seasons by wave to earth, one of Momos favorite songs. I gripped the wheel fighting back tears as i listened to the song.

I continued to drive by her direction, pulling onto a small road lined with houses. I stopped to let her out, she lived in a cute modern two story house. Pretty small compared to mine but still cute.

I was waiting for her to get out but she didn't. I looked at her and she opened her mouth slowly starting to say something.

"would you ughh would you like to go to a party tomorrow night.. with me" she asked nervously rubbing the nape of her neck.

i thought carefully, usually i'd go home and stand in the hot shower sobbing to momos playlist she made me and then go to bed. Maybe it will be good to go out.

"okay" i said

"yeah" she asked excitedly

"yeah why not"

"cool cool" she smiled to herself "i'll see you tomorrow morning then" and with that she left leaving her strawberry scent in my car.

I pulled up to my gate and pressed the button sighing, it was painful to be home. I was constantly reminded of that day. The worst day of my life. I pulled in the roundabout next the fountain. Handing my keys to Jungkook our personal valet driver.

"Thank you kookie" i gave him a warm smile.

"Of course no problem" he blushed and entered my car driving away.

I walked up the stairs grasping the door handle, remembering that day. I did the same thing happy as ever to be home. Now i can't even be home without breaking down and having a panic attack.

I walked in, taking my shoes off with my backpack in my hand, it was like déjà vu. Except this time i walked into my drunk mother watching her kdramas with 3 empty wine bottles on the table.

"MIIINNNNAAA" she said eyeing me. I hated when she was like this. This was a everyday occurrence and i hated it. I missed my warm loving mom, i missed when she would cook and we would sit down as a family and talk about our days. I missed when we were happy, a happy family, i miss Momo.

"Hello mother" she got up stumbling and gave me a kiss on the forehead, she reeked of alcohol. I slightly pushed her away and walked to my room.

A lot has changed in my room since Momos passing. It used to be white with pink accents, i had kpop posters on my walls, kpop albums and books on a shelf. A nice white desk with my Macbook and important books and notes. It was clean freshly vacuumed every day, and the curtains were always open letting in the sunlight.

Now it was gloomy, i replaced those curtains with black out curtains. Threw away all my kpop albums,posters, books. My walls were bare besides a poster of me and Momo hugging on my 19th birthday, next to it little polaroids of me and momo, some pictures i printed out of me and my sister from vacations or birthday parties or just us in general. And lastly a picture of the last text Momo sent me "Maur Maur 🤍
Congratulations mina i am so proud of you, i love you so much, more then you know, i'll see you when you get home be prepared for a big hug :)" . I cried reading it, thinking about  how i would give anything to get one last hug from her. Next to that her last letter to me, framed in a glass frame. It was the last thing i have of her.

I haven't been in her room since she passed. I got up walking over to her door. I heard my mom crying over the audio of her kdrama. I raised my hand to the door knob, shaking i slowly opened it.  I immediately started breaking down, the smell it smelled like her. I haven't smelled that in 5 months. I walked in wiping my tears, looking around it still looked the same. Nothing was touched, i wouldn't let anyone in her room. Not even mom and dad were allowed in here.

I slowly went to her closet, looking at all her clothes. Touching every surface reminding me of her. My vision getting blurry from the tears, i took out a hoodie. "Best sister" it read, i gifted it for her 28th birthday. I smelled the hoodie, smelled exactly like her. Falling to the ground in tears i clutched on the hoodie sobbing. why momo, why'd you leave i'm so heartbroken i can't live on like this i want to see you i want to hear your laugh i want to watch you eat like a pig i miss you momo i miss you "i miss you momo" i said softly, the pain taking over. I put the hoodie on and slowly walked back to my room closing her door gently.

"everything okay" mother slurred

i ignored her walking to my room and closing the door locking it.

i cried myself to sleep

A/N: Writing this makes me so sad ngl
hopefully things get better for mina, it's only been 5 months so it's still burned into her memory, give her some time she needs to heal. Momo was her best friend her soulmate, the best sister.

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